題 名 | 李卓吾之文學理論探究 |
作 者 | 謝金美; | 書刊名 | 臺南師院學報 |
卷 期 | 25 1992.07[民81.07] |
頁 次 | 頁183-203 |
分類號 | 782.86 |
關鍵詞 | 文學理論; 李卓吾; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 李卓吾(贄)為明代中晚期之思想家,後人或歸之為王學左派。其著作甚 富,影響深遠。本文乃專就其文學理論探究之。除前言、結語外,凡分四部分: 一、李卓吾之生平與著述,介紹其姓氏字號,里籍仕宦,學道經過與著述緣由及 晚年受迫入獄與自戕,著述則舉其重要者略述之。二、李卓吾文學理論之背景, 分時代背景與個人思想二方面論文,以期了解其文舉理論之產生緣由。三、李卓 吾文學理論之內容,分創作論、欣賞論、文體論三項論之,此為本文之重心所在。 四、李卓吾文學理論之影響,分對當代與對後代二方面論之,以見其影響層面之 廣闊與時間之久遠。 |
英文摘要 | Chou-wu Li, a thinker during the Period from the middle to the late MingDynasty, is classfied into the Radical branch of Wong-ying Ming's School ofThought by later generations. He is a versatile writer and thus has greatinfluence on Chinese literature. The main purpose of this paper is to explore his literature theories. Inaddition to an Introduction and a Concluson, the paper is further divided intofour parts. Part one concerns about Chou-wu Li's life and his works: hisnames, his hometown, his service in the government, the development of histhoughts, his main writings, his imprisonment and his committing suicide. Parttwo discusses the background of his literature theories: In order to understandthe origin of his literature theories, I discussed the social, the political and theliterature situations of his time and then his own ideas in literature. Part threeexamines the contents of his literature theories: the theory of creative writing,the theory of appreciation, and the theory of writing styles. This section is themain focus of this paper. Part four argues about the influence of Chou-wu Li'sliterature theories: With a view of proving his influence was both extensive andeverlasting, I discussed the impact of his ideas on his contemporaries as well ason the later generations. |