- Serodiagnosis of Tuberculosis by an Enzyme-linked lmmunosorbent Assay Using Mycobacterial Antigen 60
- Preparation of Der p 1 Specific Monoclonal Antibodies and Use in a Two-site-ELISA to Detect Der p 1 Allergen
- Serum Antibody Levels to Retinal S-Antigen Determined by Elisa in Experimental and Human Uveitis
- Detection of Mycobacterial Antigens in Cerebrospinal Fluid by Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay Utilizing Anti-Mycobacterial Saline Extract Antibodies
- Comparison of Enzyme-and Radio-Immunoassay Kits to Detect Hepatitis B Surface Antibody Response Among Hepatitis B Vaccinees
- 陰道滴蟲症之免疫診斷:間接螢光抗體法與酵素標幟免疫分析法之比較
- 應用酵素標示免疫吸附法(ELISA) 測定本省牛布氏桿菌病血清抗體
- 以酵素結合免疫吸附調查臺灣牛副結核病抗體
- 酵素免疫電極中抗體與抗原之結合特性
- 牛乳蛋白單株抗體之製備