題 名 | 唐蘭象意字聲化說平議 |
作 者 | 雲惟利; | 書刊名 | 漢學研究 |
卷 期 | 10:1=19 1992.06[民81.06] |
頁 次 | 頁309-342 |
分類號 | 802.23 |
關鍵詞 | 唐蘭; 象意字; 聲化; 聲化象意字; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
英文摘要 | Tang Lan’s theory on phoneticization of the ideograph was first propounded in his book Introduction to Chinese Paleography (古文字學導論) published in 1925. After an analysis of some phoneticized ideographs, Tang discovered two general rules regarding this structural achange. This theory has never been challenged, but then, it has never been widely cited either. However, this theory is significant in the study of Chinese Paleography. It is especially useful in interpreting phoneticized ideographs. In his later books, Yin Xu Wenzi Ji (殷墟文字記) and Tianrangge Jiagu-wen Cun (天壤閣甲骨文存), Tang often applied this theory to ana1yse the structure and the basic meaning of phoneticized ideographs. A careful examination of these examples reveal that some of them do not accord with Tang’s rules. This c1earlyshows that Tang's theory, is defective. The present study consists of two parts. The first part concentrates on analysis of the defects of Tang’s theory. The second part concentrates on discussion of the relationship between Tang’s theory and other similar theories such as yi sheng (亦聲), you wen (右文), huiyi jian xingsheng (會意兼形聲), xingsheng jian huiyi (形聲兼會意), and xingsheng bi jian huiyi (形聲必兼會意). Tang’s theory is a resu1t of a structura1 analysis of the ideograph. It refers mainly to the form of phoneticized ideographs and doesn’t pays enough attention to their inherent derivation and the words represented by them. This results in the defects of Tang’s theory. The nature of Tang's theory is in fact very similar to the yi sheng theory postulated by Hsu Sheng (許慎). But it would seem that Tang did not realize this similarity. The you wen theory of Sung scholars is slightly different. It refers to cognate words and the inherent relationship between characters. This theory was further revised by later scholars who made it more exact. It is obviously better than Tang’s theory and in a way it remedys the defects in Tang’s theory. Historically speaking, Tang’s theory can be considered a branch of the you wen theory. |