題 名 | 我國兒童之遊戲行為=Children's Play Behaviors in the Republic of China |
作 者 | 潘慧玲; | 書刊名 | 師大學報 |
卷 期 | 37 1992.06[民81.06] |
頁 次 | 頁111-131 |
分類號 | 523.13 |
關鍵詞 | 遊戲行為; 兒童; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在瞭解我國學前兒童之遊戲行為,以及兒童生理年齡、心理年齡、性別、智商、社經水準、角色取替能力、學校類型與遊戲行為之關聯。研究方法採時間取樣(time-sampling)觀察法,以瞭解兒童之遊戲行為;另輔以晤談法(interview method),以測量兒童的智力與角色取替能力;而問卷調查則用以了解兒童之社經水準。樣本共計62名,取自臺北市兩所幼稚園之大、中、小班兒童。研究結果發現,我國學前兒童所從事的遊戲行為以建構與平行遊戲最為普遍。此外,非遊戲行為亦十分常見,其類別多為閱讀、從事老師指定的工作或是行動的轉換。有關學校類型與遊戲行為之關聯,則發現本研究中混齡角落遊戲之幼稚園中,兒童從事較多的互動-功能遊戲;在分齡角落遊戲之幼稚園中,兒童從事較多之單獨-建構遊戲。另者,兒童的生理年齡與心理年齡愈增長,所從事的兒童遊戲形式亦愈成熟-如平行-建構與互動-規則遊戲;單獨-功能與單獨-建構遊戲在本研究中為較不成熟之遊戲形式,其與兒童生、心理年齡呈負相關。 |
英文摘要 | The present study attempted to explore Chinese children's play behaviors in Taiwan and to investigate the relationships of children's age, sex, intelligence, social class, role-taking ability and school type to play behaviors. The time-sampling observational method was employed to understand children's play behaviors. Children's intelligence and role-taking abilites were assessed using the interview method. The questionnaire survey was used to investigate children's social class. Sixty-two kindergarten children participated in the study. The results revealed that constructive and parallel play were the most common play forms in kindergarten children. When investigating the relationship between school type and play behaviors, it was found that children displayed more interactive-functional play with peers of different ages, however, displayed more solitary-constructive play with peers of the same age. In addition, children were more likely to conduct mature play forms, such as parallel-constructive play and interactive games with rules, when increasing in chronological and mental ages. Solitary-functional and solitary-constructive play were found to be less mature play behaviors, which were negatively related to children's chronological and mental ages. |