- Phylogenetic relationship among species of Miscanthus populations in Taiwan
- 臺灣芒屬植物生態與演化
- 臺灣芒屬植物貯藏性碳水化合物之分布及其消長關係
- Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Coal Ash Artificial Reefs at Wan-Li, Northern Taiwan
- 記臺灣蘭科植物相新記錄種--緣毛松蘭
- 臺灣的氣候變化--氣溫和降水
- Change and Stability in the Dietary System of A Prehistoric: Coastal Population in Southern Taiwan: A Research Design
- Populational Studies on Formosan Lilium (Liliaceae) (1): A Cluster Analysis of Variants in L. Longiflorum Thunb
- Diurnal Vertical Distribution of Ichthyoplankton in I-Lan Bay, NE Taiwan
- 臺灣白鼻心之現況調查