- 比較使用喉罩或氣管內插管對高血壓病人之血壓與心跳之影響
- 高血壓病人使用短效型Nifedipine與長效型Nifedipine對運動前後血壓比較
- Correlating Factors Associated with Hypertension among Non-Insulim-Dependent Diabetes--a Cross-sectional Study of an Epidemiological Cohort in Taipei City
- Nursing Intervention on Compliance to the Medical Regimen of the Hypertensive Patients
- 高血壓病人用藥須知
- 妊娠高血壓病人的護理
- Cardiac Parasympathetic Output of Nucleus Ambiguus is not Altered in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats
- 腦中風病人的高血壓處理原則
- 糖尿病併發高血壓病人處置之新觀念
- Use of Esmolol to Prevent Hemodynamic Changes During Intubation in General Anesthesia