- 國立彰化師大新生健康知識、態度、行為及需求研究
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題 名 | 國立彰化師大新生健康知識、態度、行為及需求研究 |
作 者 | 郭雪玉; | 書刊名 | 彰化師範大學學報 |
卷 期 | 2 1991.06[民80.06] |
頁 次 | 頁235-257 |
分類號 | 522.679 |
關鍵詞 | 行為; 知識; 健康; 新生; 彰化師大; 態度; 需求; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究之主要目的在於了解彰化師大新生之健康知識、態度和行為現 況,及三者的關係,同時研究健康知識、態度與行為是否因受測者之性別、居住 地,大專聯考組別、家庭社經地位不同而有顯著差異?並進一步探討師範大學學生 對健康教育課程之意見。調查對象為彰化師大七十九學年度之全體新生共389人, 研究工具為參照國內外有關文獻以後,以八大類衛生知識為範圍,自編測驗問卷, 包括「基本資料」、「健康知識」、「健康態度」、「健康行為」、「健康知識 需求」五部份。研究結果發現: 1.彰化師大新生之健康知識平均答對率為60.98,其中以個人衛生的作答情形最 佳,而以煙酒藥物最差。2.健康知識、態度與行為會因性別不同而有所差異。3. 健康知識需求以(1)個人衛生(2)安全與急救(3)家庭生活與性教有三者為最優先需 要。4.有82.8的受試者認為師範院校生有必要加強健康教育或其相關課程坑健康 知識與健康態度成正相關,健康態度又顯著的影響健康行為,因此雖然健康知識 與健康行為的關係不顯著,但欲建立學生之健康行為仍應從加強健康知識的認知 著手。 |
英文摘要 | The main purppose of the study was to investigate the present status ofthe health knowledge, attitudes and practices of the freshmen in the NationalChanghua University of Education. The study also attempted to find out thecorrelation among these three areas, and to determine if sex, academicgrouping and socio-economic status make any difference in health knowledge,attitudes and practices. The data obtained for this research were acquired by surveying 389freshmen students of the National Changhua University of Education in Oct.1990. By reviewing related domestic and foreign literatures, the researcherdesigned the questionnaire in accordance with the eight categories of healthknowledge. The questionnaire was divided into five parts including personal data, health knowledge, health attitude, health practice, and needs for health knowledge. The major findings were:(1) To the questions of the health knowledge, students gave 60.98 of correct answers, among which the responses to the part of individual hygiene were fairly satisfactory but tobacco, alcohol, and drugs very poor. (2) There was significant difference among health knowledge, health attitudes, and health practices because of the sex. (3) The prior needs for health knowledge were individual hygiene, safe and first aid, and family life and sexual education. (4) The health attitudes of the subjects were positively correlated to their health knowledge, and the health attitudes also apparently effected the health practices. Thus, in order to develop health practices, schools should stress on the teaching of health knowledge at an early stage. |