- Permeate Flux Prediction by Integral Osmotic-Pressure Model for Ultrafiltration of Macromolecular Solutions
- 薄膜分離技術的發展及現況
- 超過濾及其應用
- Is Ascites Ultrafiltration Superior to Total Paracentesis for Tense Ascites?: Effect on Protein Conservation
- 建立高效液相層析技術以分析與純化生物界面活性劑之方法
- 降低人工腎臟凝固的發生率
- Modified Boundary Layer Resistance Model for Membrane Ultrafiltration
- 溶凝膠法製備Nano-pore氧化鋯薄膜
- Recovery of Sizing Agent by Gas Sparging Ultrafiltration
- Internal Treatments of OCC Mill White Water