題 名 | 臺灣土雞人工授精稀釋液之開發 |
作 者 | 江惠湄; 蔡經源; 黃祥吉; | 書刊名 | 中華農學會報 |
卷 期 | 154 1991.06[民80.06] |
頁 次 | 頁76-81 |
分類號 | 437.713 |
關鍵詞 | 人工授精; 臺灣土雞; 稀釋液; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在探討臺灣土雞精液經短時間低溫保存或添加稀釋液稀釋保存,對其受精率和孵化率之影響。試驗一採集10隻性成熟公土雞精液,鏡檢後混合精液分為未保存及經5℃4小時保存兩組,共使用174隻母雞進行人工授精,每隻母雞的一次授精量為0.01ml,一次授精後連續收集種蛋12天。結果顯示土雞精液於5℃保存4小時再注入母雞生殖道中,其受精率低於50%,受精蛋之孵化率則介於80%至90%之間;顯示原精液不適宜5℃4小時貯藏。試驗二將混合精液以三種不同組成的稀釋液稀釋經5℃4小時,再以0.02ml注入母雞生殖道內。三種稀釋精液在短時間低溫保存,均可維持其受精率與孵化率。 依據本研究結果,建議業者利用人工授精技術並配合稀釋液低溫保存具正常受經能力的精子,以提高使用人工繁殖技術於土雞生產業的效益。 |
英文摘要 | A method for preserving spermatozoa in Taiwan native chicken was tested following a series of experiments to determine optimal conditions for the artificial insemination in native chicken production. In trial one, semen of 10 cocks were collected and pooled, then either inseminated soon after collection or inseminated after a holding at 5°C for four hours into 174 hens. The insemination dosage was 0.01 ml. fertility and hatchability were observed for 12days after single insemination. Results indicated that fresh semen holding at 5°C for four hours was detrimental for fertility but not to hatchability. In trial two, three extenders, BAS, BES and MES were used to preserve spermatozoa at 5°C for four hours respectively. Results illustrated that extenders could prolong the fertility and hatchability of spermatozoa when they were preserved at 5°C for four hours. This study suggested that for the artificial insemination in Taiwan native chicken, it was possible to use extenders for preserving spermatozoa at lower holding temperature for a short period of time. |