- 特有種一臺灣麝香鳳蝶(Byasa febanus Fruhstorfer) 之生活史及幼蟲寄主植物 (食草) 研究
- Larval Morphology and Life History of Three Sphingid Moths (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) of Taiwan
- Larval Morphology and Life History of Eight Sphingid Species in Taiwan
- Life History and Larval Food Plants of Notodontidae in Southern Taiwan
- 臺灣產青斑蝶類之幼蟲食草及生物學研究
- 端紅蝶(Hebomoia glaucippe formosana Fruhstorfer') 之生活史及幼蟲寄主植物研究
- 馬庫白星(Anoplophora Macularia (Thomson))(G 6-0150, M-0536)在臺灣之寄主植物、雌蟲產卵及其幼蟲取食之習性
- 取食不同植物葉片秋行軍蟲(Spodoptera frugiperda)(鱗翅目:夜蛾科)之發育
- 臺南縣螢火蟲資源調查
- Morphology of the Larva of Rhodinia verecunda Inoue (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) in Taiwan