題 名 | 甜豌豆臺中13號之育成 |
作 者 | 郭俊毅; | 書刊名 | 臺中區農業改良場研究彙報 |
卷 期 | 27 1990.06[民79.06] |
頁 次 | 頁49-61 |
分類號 | 434.235 |
關鍵詞 | 育成; 甜豌豆; 臺中13號; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 臺中13號係臺中區農業改良場為改良本省所栽培甜豌豆品種的缺點, 於民國70年以Sugar Snap(又名新珍)與Knight雜交而育成,於民國78年1月27 日獲准命名登記及推廣。本品種屬蕞性種,種高165∼248公分,莖葉小,分枝 性弱,自第15節起開始開花,花白色,每花梗多數著生一朵花。其第一花節位 距地面高度為57公分,顯著較對照品種Sugar Snap之108公分為低。因結莢節位 較低,故立支柱栽培時有利採收。其嫩莢成熟日數為3∼71天,較Sugar Snap提早 16∼20天。由於本品種具有早熟的特性,故可適合秋冬季稻田裡作栽培採用。 本品種嫩莢甜脆,糖度13.8度,適於鮮食或冷凍加工,莢形較Sugar Snap大而 整齊,深受市場所歡迎。又果梗離層較鬆,採莢容易。惟本品種分枝少,單株 嫩莢產量低於Sugar Snap,故須提高播種量,以期增加單位面積產量。本品種 耐萎凋病,但不抗苗腐病、白粉病及根腐病,生育期間需注意防治。 |
英文摘要 | Taichung 13 is a new edible podded snap pea variety developed by Taichung District Agricultural Improvement Station using pedigree breeding method from the cross "Sugar Snap" x "Knight". It was registered and released in Jan. 1989. The plant is of the tall type. generally reaching 165 to 248 cm in height with smaller leaves and lesser branches than Sugar Snap. White flower begins blooming at node 15 which is about 57 cm above the ground compared to 108 cm for Sugar Snap. This lower pod setting position is benificial to the picking in trellis cultural practices. Number of days to edible pod maturity is 63-71 days which is 16-20 days earlier than Sugar Snap. Due to this characteristic of early maturity, it can be planted in winter catch cropping season. Pods, borne singly per node, are crispy and sweet with the sugar content of 13.8°Brix which is well suited to fresh market and quick freezing. Owing to the pod shape is more uniform and larger than Sugar Snap, this variety is much favored by local market. Pods are picked very easily because it possesses loose abscission layer. The pod yield of Taichung 13 is lower than Sugar Snap because of lesser branches. So it is recommended to sow more seeds in the field in order to increase the yield per unit area. This variety is tolerant to Fusariunm wilt (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. pisi), but is not resisant to seedling rot (Rhizoctonia solani Kuehn), powdery mildew (Erysiphe polygoni DC.) and Fusarium root rot (Fusarium Solani f. sp. pisi). |