- Metabolic Clearance Rate and Secretion Rate of Gastric Inhibitory Polypeptide in the Rat
- Effects of Thyroidectomy on the Metabolic Clearance Rate of Prolactin and Prolactin Release in the Rat
- Dopamine Metabolism in Ischemic Rat Cerebral Cortex
- Presystemic Metabolism of Anthraquinone Polyphenols in Rhubarb
- 複方黃連降糖片對GK大鼠糖脂代謝紊亂的實驗研究
- Effects of Alendronate on Bone Turnover Markers in Early Postmenopausal Women
- Metabolism, Persistence and Transport of Radiolabelled Dimethoate in Plant-Soil Ecosystem
- 卵磷脂之代謝能值及影響其促進肉雞對脂肪消化率之因子--脂肪種類及年齡
- 蘇力菌素對大鼠口服及肺毒性之評估
- 藥物代謝、交互作用與副作用