題 名 | 役男精神狀態及有關兵役鑑定之研究 |
作 者 | 陸汝斌; | 書刊名 | 醫學研究 |
卷 期 | 10:3 1989.11[民78.11] |
頁 次 | 頁155-162 |
分類號 | 415.9512 |
關鍵詞 | 兵役鑑定; 役男; 精神狀態; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 三軍總醫院精神醫學部赴北部某新兵訓練中心,隨機取樣1074位北部地區之役男,進行選兵精神醫學之心理測驗,包括智力衡鑑及精神疾病衡鑑兩大類。在智力衡鑑方面,經初步篩選及進一步個別智力測驗後,確定有智能不足者41人(佔1074役男的3.8%),符合民國七十五年五月所頒布修正之免役資格。在精神疾病衡鑑方面,扣除203份未達一致性的資料後,得到971份有效資料;根據初步結果再做進一步精神鑑定後,確定為精神錯亂並達免役標準者6人(871役男的0.7%),合計47人(佔全部1074役男的4.4%)合於免役;其他害有精神官能56人(871役男的6.4%),性格違常23人(871役男之2.6%),雖未達免疫標準,但均將列為往後追蹤輔導之主要重點。 |
英文摘要 | One thousand and seventy-four draftees were randomly selected from a recruits training center in North Taiwan. Psychological testing, including ko’s Mental Health Questionnaire (KMHQ) for assessing mental status and Raven’s Colored Progressive Matrices Test (CPM) for intellectual functioning evaluation, were applied for preliminary screening the individuals with possible mental subnormality and mental illness. Fortyone probands (3.8% of 1,074 draftees), telligence Scale (WAIS), were diagnosed as mental retardation and should be discharged from military service by law. Since 203 individuals were excluded for mental illness screening on account of poor consistency in preliminary meal status evaluation profile, there were 871 individuals ready for mental illness screening and assessment. Six individuals (0.74% of 871 draftees) were diagnosed as psychosis including schizophrenia, mood disorder, and organic brain syndrome that should be exempted from military service. Therefore, there were 47 cases (4.4% of 1,074 draftees) met the criteria for exemption from military service. Individuals with neurotic disorders (56 cases, 6.4% of 871 draftees) and personality disorders (23 cases, 2.6% of 871 draftees) could not be exempted from military service. However, their military adaptation and the ability to handle military duty are required for further follow up. |