- 連續回分式活性污泥法之應用、操作與設計
- Systematic Design of Nonlinear Controllers for a Nonisothermal CSTR with Delay in the Recycle Stream
- 單槽連續流回分式活性污泥系統處理動態進流污水自動控制之研究
- Start-up, Operation and Control of anSBR Treating High Strength Wastewater
- Investigation of Ozone Application on Excess Sludge Modification from Sequencing Batch Reactor
- 新一代運動控制系統設計方法和整合環境的探討
- Optimal Digital Redesign of Continuous-Time Systems Using Nonideal Sampler and Zero-Order Hold
- 連續形狀工件車削加工經濟設計
- 3户"磁碟片中心轉盤連續冲模設計
- 連續冲壓模具設計流程及工程設定