- Taxonomic and Ecological Studies on the Biting Midges of the Subgenus Lasiohelea, Genus Forcipomyia from Taiwan
- Tadpoles of Taiwan
- Seven New Species and Four New Records of Forcipomyia Subgenus Lasiohelea from Taiwan (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae)
- Taxonomical and Ecological Studies on the Native Species of Calanthe and Phaius (Orchidaceae) in Taiwan(1):Calanthe Sect. Calothyrsus
- 記臺灣蘭科植物相新記錄種--緣毛松蘭
- Taxonomical and Ecological Studies on the Native Species of Calanthe and Phaius (Orchidaceae) in Taiwan(2):Calanthe Sect. Styloglossum, Phaius and Cephalantheropsis
- 合歡山臺灣冷杉土壤之發育與分類
- 臺灣北部地區毛翅目幼蟲之生態及分類研究
- The Family Sapotaceae in Taiwan
- 跨世紀之林業經營--從地球村看臺灣