- 神經學之最新發展(12):肌強直的最新發展--從細胞膜電位的變化到神經遺傳學的新發現
- 螢光心肌動作電位量測系統
- 最大攝氧量的限制因素
- 單細胞膜電位固定技術對基礎心臟學研究的貢獻
- The Effect of Morphines on the Resting Membrane Potential of the Mammalian Superior Cervical Ganglion Cells
- 開啟或不開啟?通道探幽入微--窺探動作電位的離子通道基礎
- 持續性肌肉纖維顫動症候群
- The Regulatory Role of Plasma Membrane Proton-Pumping ATPase in Salt Tolerance of Soybean Plant Growing Under the Salt-Stress Condition
- Detection of Oligocolonal Bands in Patients with Neurologic Diseases: Comparison between Agarose Gel-,Immunofixation-and Isoelectric-Focusing Electrophoresis
- 藉光子相關函數光譜學研究陰離子界面活性劑在CMC值水溶液中之粒徑、界面電位與遷移率受攪拌之影響關係(第一報)