- 住院病患居家早餐選擇之調查研究
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題 名 | 住院病患居家早餐選擇之調查研究 |
作 者 | 章樂綺; | 書刊名 | 中華民國營養學會雜誌 |
卷 期 | 13:3/4 民77.10 |
頁 次 | 頁95-104 |
分類號 | 419.24 |
關鍵詞 | 早餐; 住院; 居家; 研究; 病患; 調查; 選擇; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 一般醫院早餐以供應稀飯為主,亦有附饅頭或與麵包等食物輪流供應者。為掌握病患飲食喜好,減少食材浪費,以作為供餐作業規劃之依據,特於榮民總醫院進行住院病患居家早餐選擇之訪視調查。其結果顯示,病患居家時最常選用的早餐食物為稀飯(32.4%),其次依序為牛奶(15.2%),乾飯(13.9%),饅頭(11.5%)與麵包(9.6%)。年齡與籍貫是影響早餐選擇的重要因素,二十九歲以下之年輕病患較多選用麵包(25.0%)與牛奶(33.3%)。籍隸南方及臺灣地區者,早餐選食順序為稀飯、乾飯與牛奶,而北方、東岸、內陸地區則依序為稀飯、饅頭與牛奶。醫院供餐之長程目標,應朝順應個別需要發展;過渡時期限於人力財力,可依各病房之年齡組成,及地域性偏好之差異,分別供應以顧及病患需要。 |
英文摘要 | Gruel is the main breakfast food item served in most hospitals, some hospitals also serve steamed bun. In order to meet patients preference and to reduce plate waste, this study was conducted in Veterans General Hospital to investigate patients' breakfast choice at home. The results showed that, the most commonly chosen breakfast item was gruel (32.1%), other food items were milk (15.2%), rice (13.9%), steamed bun (11.5%) and bread (9.6%). Age and region of origin were important factors in breakfast choice. Younger people whose age were below 29-yr chose bread (25.0%) and milk (33.3%). Patients of southern and Taiwan origin chose gruel, rice and milk, and those of northern, central and western regions chose gruel, steamed bun and milk. In the long run, hospital food service should aim at meeting individual's need. At present stage, patients age distribution and regional preference should be considered in menu planning. |