題 名 | 足球十二碼罰球守門員飛撲救球動作之力學分析 |
作 者 | 林偉達; | 書刊名 | 中原學報 |
卷 期 | 16 1987.12[民76.12] |
頁 次 | 頁80-92 |
分類號 | 528.951 |
關鍵詞 | 力學; 十二碼; 分析; 守門員; 足球; 飛撲救球; 動作; 罰球; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究目的旨在探討十二碼罰球時(一)右下目標及右中目標守門負飛撲救球動作過程姿勢變化的情形;(二)比較兩種目標飛撲救球動作之間力學變數差異的情形;所選擇的變數為起跳時間、飛程時間、全部時間、起跳速度、起跳重心高度、重心高度差、軀幹角度及起跳雙腳蹬地力量。 本研究受試者為三名我國優秀足球守門員,分別隸屬於國家代表隊及社會甲組球隊,所有受試者以右球門往下角落及中間處為飛撲目標,實施飛撲救球動作。應用攝影法(cinematographic method)分析動作,以一部佳能牌十六廈攝影機(Canon Scopic 16MS Camera)攝影速度每秒六十四張影片,從飛撲動作方向之正前面拍攝動作。使用先鋒牌動作分析器(Vangard Motion Analyzer)求得每張影片中身體關節座標數值,經電腦運算獲得有關動學變數資料。竹井牌測力板(TKK Varied Force Measuring Board)及高得(Gould) 多用途記錄器求得雙腳蹬地力量資料。將所有資料製作動作連續圖,並以相依樣本單側t-test考驗兩種目標之間力學變數的差異情形。有關資料之結果,經分析討論後,得到下列結論: (一)飛撲救球動作過程姿勢變化順序如下:當動作開始時,上身前傾、雙腿彎曲、雙手彎曲置於身側;接著,雙手後擺,雙腿彎曲增加,上身更前傾;當雙手後擺完成,開始向前擺動時,遠離目標之腳踏蹬離地,將身體重量移至近目標之腳,再由此腳蹬地及雙手上擺使身體躍起;當身體在空中時,雙手及雙腿彎曲、軀幹正面面對場內,臉向目標;接觸目標時,雙手較為伸直。兩種目標飛撲救球的技術型態相似。 (二)在兩種目標之間,起跳時間、全部時間、起跳重心高度、重心高度差及軀幹角度有顯著差異存在(p<O.05).飛程時間、起跳速度及起跳雙腳瞪地力量無顯著差異存在(p>O.05)。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study was to investigate the change of performance from the goal-keeper's diving to the down corner and lateral middle of goal when the soccer's Penalty-Kick, and to find out the difference of mechanical variables between two kinds of diving. The selected variables under investigation were: take-off time, flight time, whole time, take-off velocity, take-off height of C. G., difference height of C. G., angle of trunk and take-off force of both legs. The subjects on this study were three elite soccer goalkeepers from R. O. C. Men's National and Open A Team. All subject were dived to the down corner and lateral middle of goal. The cinematographic method was employed to analyze diving motion which a Canon Scopic 16 MS Camera with 64 frames per second. The camera took films in the front of the diving direction. Vangard motion analyzer was used to digitize spatial coordinates of joint center on each frame. A computer was utilized in computation of kinematic variable data. TKK Varied Force Measuring Board and Gould Varied Recorder was used to calculate the force of both leg versus grouhd. All data were to make the progressive figures of motion and utilize dependent t-test to determine if there was a significant difference in any of the variables as result of the two diving. The result of this investigation appears to warrant the following conclusions: (1) The changes of performance during diving were: 1.The trunk inclined forward from the hip, both knees were bent, and both elbows were bent beside the body when the diving is beginning. 2. both arms swang back, both knees' bend were increased, and the trunk were more inclined forward from the hip. 3. The foot away from the target was taken off and the body weight was transferred to the other foot when both arms were fully swang back. Then, the foot nearest the target was taken off which co-ordinated with both arms swang up and then whole body took off. 4. When the body was in the air, both arms and legs were bent and the front of trunk faced to the playing field and the direction of face was same as the target. 5. When the hand touched the target, both arms were extending. The pattern of skill is similar between two kinds of diving. (2) Take-off time, whole time, take-off height of C. G., difference height of 80 C. G. and angle of trunk were significantly different between two kinds of diving (p<O.05). Flight time, take-off velocity and take-off force of both legs were not significantly different between two kinds of diving (p>O.05). |