- Clinical Implication of Determinations of Serum Immunoglobulins and Complement Components
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題 名 | Clinical Implication of Determinations of Serum Immunoglobulins and Complement Components=血清免疫球蛋白及補體濃度之定量在臨床上的重要性及其應用 |
作 者 | 劉清泉; 謝貴雄; | 書刊名 | 中華民國小兒科醫學會雜誌 |
卷 期 | 28:5 民76.09-10 |
頁 次 | 頁300-308 |
分類號 | 414.81 |
關鍵詞 | 血清; 免疫球蛋白; 定量; 重要性; 補體; 濃度; 臨床; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 本研究收集自民國63年1月至72年12月之10年間在臺大醫院小兒科免疫學研究室做過血清免疫球蛋白IgG, IgA, IgM,及補體C3, C4之定量,共得793例,其中免疫球蛋白共332例,包括各種感染疾病,腎病症候羣,自體免疫疾病和兒童血液病及腫瘤;461例血清補體定量,包括急性鏈球菌感染後腎絲球腎炎,系統性狼瘡紅斑症,幼年型類風濕性關節炎,Henoch-Schönlein氏紫斑症,腎病症候羣及慢性腎絲球腎炎。作者分析其疾病種類及病程和血清免疫球蛋白之關係,研究何病及何時需做上述檢查,以做為臨床診斷和治療的參攷。在血清免疫球蛋白方面,和正常年齡羣兒童比較,急性感染症,自體免疫疾病和急性骨髓性白血病均有增加的現象,但在腎病症候羣及急性淋巴球性白血病之血清免疫球蛋白,則有明顯的下降。血清補體C3降低者有系統性狼瘡紅斑症,急性鏈球菌感染後腎絲球腎炎,升高者則有類風濕性關節炎。腎病症候羣,Henoch-Schönlein紫斑症和慢性腎絲球性腎炎則無特定的變化。血清補體C4降低者有系統性狼瘡紅斑症及早期急性鏈球菌感染後腎絲球腎炎,其他疾病變化不明顯。 |
英文摘要 | Serum concentrations of immunoglobulin G, A and M were measured, in 332 pediatric patients with various kinds of infectious diseases, nephrotic syndrome, autoimmune diseases and neoplasms. Compared with the age-matched normal children, there were significant elevations of serum immunoglobulin levels in infectious diseases and autoimmune diseases. In the nephrotic syndrome, the serum IgG was significantly decreased and the serum 1gM level elevated. The serum immunoglobulin levels were increased in acute myeloblastic leukemia, slightly depressed in acute lymphoblastic leukemia and not significantly altered in histiocytosis X and lymphomas. Serum complement components of C3 and C4 were also determined in 461 pediatric patients. C3 was low in the vast majority of patients with acute glomerulonephritis (95%) and systemic lupus erythematosus (96%), elevated in juvenile rheumatoid arthritis; there was no significant change in anaphylactoid purpura, chronic glomerulonephritis and nephrotic syndrome. C4 was significantly decreased in the active stage of systemic lupus erythematosus and in the early stage of acute glomerulonephritis; there were no significant changes in other diseases. Determinations of serum immunoglobulins and complement components are of much help not only in the diagnosis of diseases but also in monitoring drug therapy and evaluating clinical course. |