- Heavy Metal Concentrations in Sea Water from Grass Prawn Hatcheries and the Coast of Taiwan
- Nutrients in Seawater from the Coast and the Prawn Hatchery of Taiwan
- 斑節蝦、草蝦及熊蝦幼蟲期對海水鹽份濃度之耐性
- 模擬都市垃圾焚化過程無機氯對重金屬物種形成及濃度分佈之研究
- 重金屬對各期紅尾蝦幼蝦毒性之影響
- Effects of Sediment Concentrations on Secondary Currents in Channel Bends
- Adsorption Capacity of Heavy Metals in Taiwan Sediments
- 重金屬在黃土質中吸附移動平衡與污染濃度分佈之研究
- 各種化學治療劑對草蝦幼苗之安全濃度
- 實測海水葉綠素α濃度與螢光探針讀值相關性之探討