- 記臺灣蘭科植物相新記錄種--緣毛松蘭
- Native Orchids of Hengchun Peninsula (Southern Taiwan) (2):Taxonomic Reappraisal
- Hetaeria Oblongifolia (Bl.) Bl. (Orchidaceae), A Newly Recorded Orchid in Taiwan
- Native Orchids of Hengchun Peninsula (Southern Taiwan)(1):New Record Plants and Taxonomic Revision
- 鐮唇脈葉蘭(蘭科),臺灣新紀錄蘭花
- Centratherum Punctatum Cass. ssp. Fruticosum, A Newly Naturalized Sunflower Species in Taiwan
- Staurogyne Debilis (T. Anders.) C. B. Clarke (Acanthaceae) in Taiwan
- Contribution to the Revised Orchid Flora of Taiwan (Ⅲ)
- Contribution to a Revised Orchid Flora of Taiwan (Ⅳ)
- 南臺灣特殊地象與動植物觀察