題 名 | 美國蔬菜移植栽培與收穫機械及預冷保鮮機械之設計應用 |
作 者 | 張金發; | 書刊名 | 農業工程學報 |
卷 期 | 34:2 1988.06[民77.06] |
頁 次 | 頁69-82 |
分類號 | 434.251 |
關鍵詞 | 收穫機; 美國; 栽培; 移植; 設計; 預冷保鮮機; 蔬菜; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 蔬菜為臺灣主要作物之一,其年栽培面積約188,000公頃。由於近年來工商業之發達,使農村努力逐漸缺乏,工資上漲,因此提高蔬菜之生產成本。為了解決此項問題,降低每公頃之作業工時,可以選用大馬力及多行數、高效率之農機具來耕作,或從加強操作者之熟練度著手。 展望未來追求更高效率之蔬菜栽培機械化,亦即更省工且能降低產成本之機械化模式仍待建立。蔬菜耕作全面機械化須積極推動。 美國由於新型農機具之應用於蔬菜生產栽培,工作效率不斷之提高,而相對趨向企業性農業機械化栽培,以提高效益。筆者經省府選派赴美學習蔬菜機械化生產技術,研習之範圍包括:整地、育苗、播種與移植、灌溉、中耕管理、收穫及預冷保鮮等工程之技術與知識,將參酌我國農業環境予以有效利用,以期加速促進我國蔬菜全面機械化之栽培。 |
英文摘要 | Vegetable is one of the important crops in Taiwan as its total cultivated area is around 188,000 ha. In recent years, the increase of production cost for vegetable growing is very rapid due to the shortage of labor so as higher wages. For reducing the labor working hours and costs in producting vegetable, farmers may use bigger and/or more efficient machines. The more efficient mechanization is still desired toward the goal of saving labor and deducing production costs. The promotion of overall vegetable-mechanization through the development of machinery for vegetable cultivation, needed to be accelerated. For increasing the working efficient and to get benefit in producing vegetable, farmers in U.S.A. use bigger and more efficient machines. The program in which I got from provincial government called: The application and design of machinery for vegetable planted, harvested and precooling in U.S.A. This studies include: land preparation, nursery operation, seeding and transplanting, pesticide spraying, harvesting and precooling for vegetable production. I have learned some new knowledge and technology that can help to accelerate farm mechanization for vegetable. |