- 陰莖海綿體內注射罌粟鹼之臨床試驗
- 海綿體內注射對陰莖勃起障礙之診斷及治療
- 陰莖海綿體血管重建及 (或) 深部背靜脈結紮術治療血管性陽萎的初步報告
- Special Processed Panax Ginseng (SPPG) Relaxes Isolated Rabbit Corpus Cavernosum through Histamine Antagonized Property and with a Beneficial Effect in Raising Intracavernous Pressure
- Penile Fracture: A Rare Case of Simultaneous Rupture of the Corpus Cavernosa, Corpus Spongiosum, and Penile Urethra
- Erectile Response of Penis to Intracavernous Injection of Prostaglandin E1 Associated with Audio-visual Sexual Stimulation (AVSS) and Dynamic Infusion Cavernosometry (DIC)
- Long-term Follow-up of Intracavernous Injection of Vasoactive Agents in the Treatment of Impotence
- 陰莖海綿體注射血管活性藥物--治療陽萎之長期追蹤報告
- A Comparative Study with Intracavernous Injection of Prostaglandin E1 Versus PaPaverine for the Diagnostic Assessment of Erectile Impotence
- 電燒對於陰莖海綿體的不良影響