- Stable Isotope Records of Late Pleistocene Sediments From the South Chian Sea
- Stable Isotope Records from Holocene Deep-Sea Sediments off Northeastern Taiwan
- Species Compositions of Bottom Trawlers in Relation to Towing Strata, Depths and Durations in the Continental Slope of the Northern South China Sea
- Preliminary Study on Community Structure by Bottom Trawler in the Northern Slope of the South China Sea
- The Ionium Method of Dating Deep-sea Sediments: A Reprise
- 以從源到匯之觀點探討臺灣西南外海沈積物散佈系統及傳輸之意義
- Distribution of B, Cl and Their Isotopes in Pore Waters Separated from Gas Hydrate Potential Areas, Offshore Southwestern Taiwan
- Oxygen Isotope Studies of Planktonic Foraminifera from the South China Sea, Core V19-134
- 近年來中國南海地區的考古工作
- 我國南海歷史性水域與其中島礁之法律地位