- 三角肌與大臀肌纖維化拘縮症之肌電圖變化
- Histopathological and Histochemical Studies in Deltoid and Gluteal Contracture
- Fibrotic Contracture of Gluteal and Deltoid Muscles: Clinical, Pathological, Histochemical and Electron Microscopic Studies
- Intramuscular Injection Associated Gluteal Fibrotic Contracture and Hepatitis B Virus Infection Among Schoolchildren
- 類風濕關節炎病人肌力變化力探討--電腦肌電圖分析
- 屏東縣佳冬鄉肌肉纖維化拘縮症盛行率和危險因素之研究
- The electromyographic silent periods in the patients with temporomandibular joint and muscle pain dysfunction syndrome
- 肌纖維化拘縮症之免疫球蛋白及補體在肌纖維化組織沉積之研究
- 特發性肺纖維化
- ISO 14001與氣候變化綱要公約之探討