- 正常新生兒生後3 日內尿酸之排泄量
- 出生24小時內正常新生兒尿酸排泄之測定
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題 名 | 正常新生兒生後3 日內尿酸之排泄量 |
作 者 | 周宇光; | 書刊名 | 中華民國小兒科醫學會雜誌 |
卷 期 | 27:2 民75.03-04 |
頁 次 | 頁135-139 |
分類號 | 417.517 |
關鍵詞 | 正常; 尿酸; 排泄; 量; 新生兒; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 以隨機取樣男女不拘選25名足月正常新生兒,在胎兒出生時測母親及胎兒臍帶血血清的尿酸值,平均各爲5.38mg/dL與5.64mg/dL,兩者呈正性線性相關。並於新生兒生後24小時,48小時及72小時左右各測其血清及尿中的尿酸值及肌酸酐值。結果顯示新生兒在生後24小時的血清尿酸平均值最高,爲6.64±1.87mg/dL。在48時的平均值爲4.82±1.38mg/dL而在72小時的平均值降爲3.61±0.69mg/dL。經計算其後新生兒尿酸分次排泄百分率(fractional excretion of uric acid, FEUA)在頭3日平均值分別爲16.3、24.5及21.2,以在第48小時的值爲最高,而尿酸排泄量的平均值分別爲0.77、0.95及0.72,亦以第48小時爲最高。新生兒出生後頭3日尿液pH值平均爲7.48±0.21, 7.21±0.23及6.98±0.25,皆爲偏齡性的尿液。血清中的尿酸值高低和尿酸排泄量無明顯的相關性。但當尿酸分次排泄百分率增加時,血清中的尿酸值有減少的趨勢。 |
英文摘要 | Twenty-five normal full-term newborn infants, male and female, were chosen at random. At the time of delivery the serum uric acid of their mothers and of cord blood were checked. Mean values were 5.38±1.15mg/dL and 5.64±1.18mg/dL, respectively. The mean infant/maternal ratio for serum uric acid was 1.05. Samples of each newborn infant's urine and blood were also collected to check the level of uric acid and creatinine at 24 hours, 48 hours and 72 hours after birth. The data revealed that the mean value of serum urate of newborn infants reached a peak value of 6.64±1.87mg/dL at 24 hours after birth. Then the value decreased to 4.82±1.38mg/dL at 48 hours and to 3.61±0.69mg/dL at 72 hours afterbirth. The mean values of fractional excretion of uric acid of newborn infants on days 1, 2 and 3 were 16.3%, 24.5% and 21.2%. The mean values of urate excretion on days 1, 2, 3 were 0.77mg, 0.95mg and 0.72mg per 100cc of glomerular filtration rate. The peak values were all at 48 hours after birth. The value of serum uric acid which was inversely related to the value of fractional excretion of uric acid did not have linear correlation to urate excretion of newborn infants. |