- Total Parathyroidectomy and Parathyroid Autotransplantation in Patients of Chronic Renal Failure with Hyperparathyroidism
- The Experience of Parathyroidectomy When Treating Primary Parathyroid Hyperplasia
- Guided Bone Regeneration Using Non-Resorbable Membrane--A Case Report
- 慢性腎衰竭病患的貧血治療
- 自體移植法治療白斑症--以表皮移植片合併培養的黑色素細胞移植治療白斑成功之病例
- 保留一顆有血液供應的副甲狀腺患者之血鈣離子變化
- Renal Autotransplantation for Ureter Stricture and Renovascular Disorders
- Treatment Alternatives in Young Patients with Missing Teeth Aspects on Growth and Development (Ⅰ)
- Quadriceps Tendon-Patellar Bone Autograft for Arthroscopic Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction
- 齒顎矯正學中的牙齒再植與自體移植術