- 四種除草劑對柑桔園覆蓋植被之影響
- 殺草劑對大黍族群之影響
- 功效神奇危險性高的殺草劑:巴拉刈
- 微生物分解殺草劑巴拉刈之研究
- 殺草劑巴拉刈在土壤中之微生物分解
- Influence of Herbicides on the Carpogenic Germination of Sclerotinia Sclerotiorum Sclerotia
- DNA Cleavage effect and Cytotoxicity of the Waste water Discharged from Paraquat Manufactory
- 巴拉刈中毒之肝臟生化學變化
- In vivo and in vitro Observations of Cercospora mikaniacola from Hong Kong: Morphology, Microcycle Conidiation, and Potential Biocontrol of Mikania Weed
- Lipid Peroxidation and Antioxidative Enzymes in Detached Rice Leaves Exposed to Paraquat