- 臺灣甘藷在來種突變新品系低產地區第二年區域試驗報告
- 臺灣甘藷主要在來種「紅心尾」突變新品系低產地區試驗結果
- Newly Identified Missense Mutation Reduces Lipoprotein Lipase Activity in Taiwanese Patients with Hypertriglyceridemia
- Romano-Ward Long QT Syndrome: Identification of a HERG Mutation in a Taiwanese Kindred
- Molecular Epidemiologic Study of Mitochondrial DNA Mutations in patients with Mitochondrial Diseases in Taiwan
- 臺灣甘藷產業之現況及展望
- 涉及風險因素的供給反應與預測--臺灣地區落花生、甘藷種植面積變動為例
- 葉菜甘藷臺農71號之育成
- Frequency of the CCR5△32 Mutant Allele in HIV-1-Positive Patients, Female Sex Workers, and a Normal Population in Taiwan
- 臺灣甘藷食物供需特性研究