- 合歡山臺灣冷杉土壤之發育與分類
- 臺灣植物群落分類之研究--(4):臺灣植物群落之起源發育及地域性之分化
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題 名 | 臺灣植物群落分類之研究--(4):臺灣植物群落之起源發育及地域性之分化 |
作 者 | 柳榗; | 書刊名 | 中華農學會報 |
卷 期 | 76 1971.12[民60.12] |
頁 次 | 頁39-62 |
關鍵詞 | 分類; 地域性; 植物群落; 發育; 臺灣; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文為討論本省各種現存植物?落之起源及其發育與地域性之分化狀況,此類工作乃屬於古生態學之範圍,亦可謂歷史植物生態學。本省古植物學之資料雖然稀少,但由世界各地各地質時期之化石植物?及花粉分析資料,可暸解地質時代世界上,尤其是北半球植物?落分佈之變遷及環境之改變,進一步以本省現存植物?落之組成與各地各地質時期之化石植物?比較,可估用本省各種?落在地質時代之分佈及其現在之分佈,以決定其古老之程度,及其起源。 由於本省地理位置及獨立高聳之中央山系與古生代的地質結構,對於原始白堊紀之植被保存至為有利。因熱帶地區為唯一自白堊紀起迄未受到嚴重氣候變化影響之地區,當白堊紀時由白堊紀熱帶植物區系及白堊紀北極植物區系所組成之?落形成時?分別分佈於本省之平地至中低海拔地區及高海拔地區,此二種原始?落在本省歷經由第三紀及第四紀七千萬年之環境的改變與種的演化及自然選擇的結果,乃形成本省現存的各種植物?落。 白堊紀熱帶植物?落相當於現代的熱帶雨林(BERRY, 1937),此一?落當時在本省之分佈為自平地至海拔2,500 m處,由於漸新世以後北極氣候漸趨寒冷,緯度間及海拔間氣溫溫差加大,故在中海拔地區之熱帶樹種消失,而退縮其分佈限於低海拔以下地區,而形成目前熱帶雨林在本省之分佈,其上部簡化後之?落乃成為現代的暖溫帶雨林。雖然在暖溫帶雨林中保有許多殘餘之種屬,但與熱帶雨林比較,暖溫帶雨林地域性分化程度遠較熱帶雨林為大,因暖溫帶雨林之受熱帶雨林之包圍而孤立之故。至於熱帶地區之海岸林及紅樹林乃為白堊紀熱帶植物?落形成不久後?行分化之特殊生育地之?落,且由於其種實之傳播依賴海流,故其地域性之分化程度極微,至今仍屬於舊熱帶植物區系。 本省之暖溫帶山地針葉樹林為世界上最特殊之一?落,正如李順卿氏(1962)謂本省檜木林生育地之環境可能僅見於本省,而為世界其他地區所無者。其組成之針葉樹種,除松樹而外,皆為古老之殘餘種,如紅檜、扁柏、臺灣杉、杉木、粗榧、帝杉等,甚至闊葉樹如雲葉、?木、山桐子、野鴨椿等亦為古老之殘餘種。此一分怖於本省中高海拔之白堊紀北極植物區系之?落在第四紀冰期前迄未發生分化,當然有些種在地質時代中絕滅於此一?落,如已知者有水杉、柳杉及銀杏,當然還有一些不知道的。第四紀冰期後冷杉及雲杉林自本?落中紛出而成為耐寒之山地北方針葉樹林。此一古老之暖溫帶山地針葉樹林自此始略行簡化。 本省之高山寒原間無疑問為由與其分佈相鄰之冷杉林分出之?落,同時熱帶疏林(Tropical Savanna)亦為由其相鄰之熱帶雨林分離出之?落。此二?落之組成種類皆出現於其相鄰之?落中,顯示其寒冷及乾旱之環境乃形成不久者。此二?落乃在第四紀冰期後所形成者。 |
英文摘要 | This paper is to discuss the origin, development and regional differentiation of the existing vegetation communities of Taiwan. It belongs to the field of paleoecology or historical plant ecology. Although the paleobotanic materials of Taiwan is very rare, based on the goeflora and pollen analysis data of the world of various geological periods, we can learn the vegetation distribution and the environmental change of the geological past. Then to compare the composition of the present plant communities of Taiwan with the geobotanical materials of the world, the antiquity or origin of the existing plant communities of Taiwan might be interpreted. The geographical position, the isolated lofty central range and the paleozoic geology are favorable to preserve the ancient primitive vegetation of the Cretaceous, as the tropical area is the only area which has not been exposed to severe climatic change since the Cretaceous. The communities of the Tropic-Cretaceous Flora and Arcto-Cretaceous Flora were distributed on the mid slope to the lowland and the higher slope respectively since they were appeared. It is the origin of the present communities of Taiwan. The community of the Tropic-Cretaceous Flora resembles the modern tropical rain forest. The present Taiwan vegetation communities are segregated from the Cretaceous communities but the evolution of the species and the environmental change and natural selection in 70 million years were involved. The Tropic-Cretaceous community was distributed from the lowland to the elevation of 2,500 m. during that period. Since the late Oligocene, in the northern hemisphere, a general trend toward lowered temperature commenced, and some tropic species on the higher elevation were eliminated. Thus the tropical rain forest was restricted to the lower slope. The upper part of the Tropic-Cretaceous community was simplified into a new kind of community, the warm-temperate rain forest of the present. Although there are many epibiotics included in the warm-temperate rain forest, comparatively the regional differentiation of the warm-temperate rain forest is much more than the tropical rain forest because the former is isolated by the tropical rain forest. As for the strand forest and mongrove, they are communities of special habitat and were segregated right after the Tropic-Cretaceous Flora had been appeared. Due to the special dispersion of seeds of the component species by the sea current, they still belong to the paleotropic flora. The warm-temperate montane coniferous forest is a very unique community of the wolrd, as Lee (1962) pointed out that the environment of this community probably only can be found in Taiwan. Almost all the species of the conifers of the composition, except pine, are epibiotics, such as Chamaecyparis, Cunninghamia, Taiwania, Cephalotaxus, Pseudotsuga. Even some broadleaved tree species are epibiotics, like Sassafras, Trochodendron, Idesia, Euscaphis etc. There was no segregation of the higher elevation distributed Arcto-Cretaceous community before glaciation of the Pleistocene. Certainly there were some species of the origin community extinct during the geological past, as Metasequoia, Cryptomeria and Ginkgo are known, and some other species are not known now. After the Pleistocene glaciation, the fir and spruce forest were segregated from the former warm-temperate coniferous forest. A new vegetation community, the montane-boreal conferous or the subalpine coniferous forest and cool-temperate montane coniferous forest in Taiwan were formed. And the elder warm-temperate coniferous forest was further simplified. The apline tundra of Taiwan is no doubt segregated from the neighbouring fir forest. Also the Tropical sevanna of Taiwan is segragated from the neighbouring tropical rain forest. The composition of these two communities are appeared in their neighbouring communities. It means that they are newly segragated by the new environmental effect. Both of them were segregated as late in the post glaciaiton period. In conclusion, the origin, development and regional differentiation of the vegetation communities of Taiwan may be illustrated by the diagram as Fig. 3. |