- 鯖魚資源研究初步報告(2)--臺灣花腹鯖之產卵習性(2)抱卵數與產卵
- 鯖魚資源研究初步報告:2.臺灣花腹鯖之產卵習性:(3)性比、生物最小型與抱卵數之月別推移
- 鯖魚資源研究初步報告(2)--臺灣花腹鯖之產卵習性(1)成熟與產卵
- 臺灣窗螢產卵量與產卵行為
- Estimation of Growth Parameters of Two Species of Mackerel, Scomber Japonicus and S. Australasicus, in the Coastal Waters of Taiwan
- 茶姬捲葉蛾(Adoxophyes sp.)羽化日齡對產卵習性的影響
- Age Structure of Spotted Mackerel, Scomber australasicus, in the Coastal Waters of Taiwan as Estimated From polymodal Length-Frequency Analysis
- Spawning of Damselfishes on the Northern Coast of Taiwan, with Emphasis on Spawning Site Distribution
- Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Coal Ash Artificial Reefs at Wan-Li, Northern Taiwan
- 記臺灣蘭科植物相新記錄種--緣毛松蘭