題 名 | 臺灣政治與社會發展史料--史明史料典藏計畫工作紀實=Historical Materials on Taiwan's Political and Social Development: The Preservation Digitization Project of Sú Bîng's Archival Materials Work Records |
作 者 | 蕭晏翔; | 書刊名 | 圖資與檔案學刊 |
卷 期 | 16:1=104 2024.06[民113.06] |
頁 次 | 頁110-143 |
分類號 | 023.59 |
關鍵詞 | 史明; 史料整理; 檔案數位化; 數位典藏; 資料庫設置; Sú Bîng; Collation of historical data; Archive digitization; Digital archive; Database construction; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
DOI | 10.6575/JILA.202406_(104).0004 |
中文摘要 | 國立政治大學圖書館(下稱本校及本館),自2008年起,配合本校研究領域發展,積極徵集臺灣與中國近現代史史料,一方面典藏深度研究資源的實體原件,一方面進行數位化及資料庫建置,以不破壞原件為前提,建構本校特藏的數位加值版本,以提供更多研究者或民眾使用內容的機會。2019年8月,本館獲史明教育基金會贈與史明先生史料,並簽定史料捐贈備忘錄,以支援教學研究為合作目標,由本館特藏管理組(下稱本組)執行為期三年的「史明史料典藏計畫」。本組除了確保史料的保存與狀態,也透過數位化技術降低資料損壞風險,提升文化保護與資料使用的量能。 |
英文摘要 | Since 2008, the National Chengchi University Libraries have been actively collecting historical materials on the modern and contemporary history of Taiwan and China in line with the development of the university's research fields. In addition to collecting the physical originals of in-depth research resources, there is also digitization and database construction. On the premise that the originals will not be destroyed, digital value-added versions of the school's special collections will be constructed to provide more opportunities for academic researchers or the general public to use the content. In August 2019, the Sú Bîng Education Foundation donated Mr. Sú Bîng's historical materials to the Libraries and signed a donation memorandum as a cooperation aimed at supporting teaching and research. The Special Collections Management Group implements the three-year "The Preservation Digitization Project of Sú Bîng's Archival Materials." In addition to ensuring the preservation and status of historical materials, digital archive is also used to reduce the risk of data damage and improve the capacity of cultural protection and data use. |