題 名 | 主要國家綠色轉型策略探討與啟示=Green Transformation Strategies and Insights of Major Countries |
作 者 | 蔡亞諭; | 書刊名 | 經濟研究. 國家發展委員會經濟發展處 |
卷 期 | 24 2024.03[民113.03] |
頁 次 | 頁(8)1-(8)22 |
分類號 | 551.4 |
關鍵詞 | 綠色轉型; 能源轉型; 淨零轉型; 綠色經濟; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 近年來氣候變遷天災頻傳,加以俄烏戰爭引發一連串能源供給不 穩定與價格波動,促使各國更聚焦於能源安全議題,並加速邁向淨零 減碳目標。特別是能源作為經濟成長與發展必須生產要素之一,其重 要性不言而喻。 為達成淨零轉型,主要國家均陸續提出綠色轉型策略,全球現今 綠色轉型核心戰略大致涵蓋能源轉型、循環經濟、綠色科技與創新投 資、環境法規與政策,以及公共參與等面向,各國轉型策略如美國通 膨削減法案、歐洲綠色新政、日本綠能轉型方針、韓國碳中和綠色成 長基本計畫等。而我國國家發展委員會於 2022 年 3 月已公布「臺灣 2050 淨零排放路徑及策略總說明」,構建未來零碳社會藍圖。惟當前 我國仍面臨企業碳盤查落實比例偏低、缺乏綠色專業人才、長期綠色 財政與稅制規劃、人民對政策認知存有落差等問題。 展望未來,考量地理環境、氣候與生態條件不同,政府須因地制 宜擬定最適合之相關規劃與投資,引領社會持續朝向有序轉型。建議 可透過提供稅務減免、加速雙軸轉型、建立 ESG 獎勵制度,以及提升 人民對淨零政策認識使其產生認同感,以精進策略效率與效益。 |
英文摘要 | In recent years, natural disasters caused by climate change, coupled with the Russia-Ukraine war triggering a series of energy supply instability and price fluctuations. This has prompted countries to place a greater emphasis on energy security issues and accelerate their progress towards net-zero carbon goals. To achieve the goals of Net-Zero Emissions, major countries, including the United States, the European Union, Japan, and others, have successively proposed green transition strategies. The core strategies for global green transition generally encompass aspects such as energy transition, circular economy, green technology and innovation investment, environmental laws and policies, as well as public participation. In March 2022, National Development Council of Taiwan released the "Taiwan 2050 Net Zero Emissions Roadmap and Strategy Overview", outlining the blueprint for a future zero carbon society. However, Taiwan currently still faces challenges such as the low implementation rate of Carbon Footprint Verification, lack of green professionals, inadequate longterm planning for green finance and taxation, and gaps in public awareness of policies. Looking ahead, considering diverse geographical, climatic, and ecological conditions, governmentsshould formulate plans and investments to best suit local conditions. It is recommended to improve strategy efficiency and effectiveness by providing tax deductions, accelerating twin transformation, establishing ESG incentive schemes, as well as enhancing public awareness with policies. |