題 名 | 海洛因濫用者社會人口屬性物質施用行為與犯罪行為之關係研究=Study on the Relationships among Demographic Characteristics, Substances Use, and Crime for Heroin Abusers |
作 者 | 林瑞欽; | 書刊名 | 玄奘社會科學學報 |
卷 期 | 11 2013.05[民102.05] |
頁 次 | 頁91-143 |
分類號 | 548.82 |
關鍵詞 | 海洛因濫用者; 物質濫用行為樣態; 犯罪行為樣態; 娛樂性藥物; Heroin abusers; Substances use; Crime; Illicit drugs; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在探究海洛因濫用者的用藥行為與犯罪行為,以澄清兩者的 關係。自編吸毒行為問卷用以測量 958 位海洛因為主要濫用藥物者(男 =666 位,女 =292 位)之用藥與犯罪行為。結果顯示:1. 受試者絕大部分是「雙 重與多重用藥者 ( 男 =75.5%、女 =91.8%);20-39 歲,女比男年輕、國中 與高中職程度、單身與異常婚姻者、不穩定工作狀況者(內含 42% 女性與 30%男性是無業者)、職業為半技術與無技術者。 2. 初次用藥年齡:女性 (19.60±5.57 歲 ) 顯著比男性 (22.90±7.02 歲 ) 年輕;多重用藥者比其他 類型者低(男 =19.21±4.89 歲、女 =17.70±3.80 歲);女性濫用違法藥物 期間較男性短(男 =9.85±5.04 年、女 =7.67±3.99 年);多重用藥者用藥 期間最長;每週平均用藥金額:女 ( 約美金 653 元 ) 多於男 ( 約美金 505 元 ); 而多重用藥者又比其他類型者高(男約美金 635 元、女約美金 733 元)。多 重用藥者年齡較輕、初次吸毒與被捕年齡較早、用藥間隔時間較短、用藥史 較久。4. 販毒盛行率女比男高,約 31.6% 全體受試有販毒經驗,多重用藥者 更高達五成以上。親人吸毒以兄弟姊妹(男 =12.2%,女 =29.1%)、堂兄弟 姊妹(男 =6.25%,女 =10.3%)、與配偶(男 =2.9%,女 =20.5%)為主。5. 最 主要的併用物質是香菸、酒精、安非他命、大麻、FM2、K 他命、搖頭丸、古 柯鹼。 6. 七成的女性與五成男性曾自行在家戒癮,四成曾在醫療院所戒癮;27% 男性與 18% 女性未曾戒過癮,戒過三次者 36.0%,一次戒癮者 20.6%,二次 戒癮者 19.1%。7. 其他罪名:男性以竊盜罪最高,女性以偽造文書罪最多, 45.7% 男性與 15.3% 女性濫用者犯有暴力罪;33.3% 單一用藥者、42% 雙重用藥 者、58.1% 多重用藥者犯有暴力罪。先被捕後吸毒者比先吸毒後被捕者與吸毒 同時者犯下更多毒品以外罪名,男性尤其是暴力罪、女性則是非暴力罪。 8. 濫 用者愈早被逮捕、愈早使用違法藥物、賭癮愈強、濫用二級違法藥物種類數愈 多、用藥期間愈久,則犯下非暴力罪名數將愈多,上述變項能有效解釋約 7.4% 之非暴力犯罪總變異量;濫用者愈早被逮捕、年齡愈大、男性、濫用二級違法 藥物種類數愈多、賭癮愈強、用藥期間愈短、工作狀況不穩定、用藥後社經地 位愈高者,則犯下暴力罪名數將愈多,此等變項能顯著解釋約 21.4% 暴力犯罪 總變異量。本研究結果不但提供矯正人員發展毒品犯與暴力犯矯正策略與假釋 緩刑時靜態評估之重要依據;而且有助於檢警偵察者發展海洛因濫用之犯罪預防策略。 |
英文摘要 | The purposes of this study were to investigate the demographic characteristics, substances use, and crime for a sample of heroin abusers in Taiwan; the relationships among them have also been investigated. Major findings are as the followings: 1. Most of subjects are ages 20 to 39, junior high and high school level, single and divorced, unstable employment, semi-skilled and non-skilled jobs. 2. Female abusers are involved into drugs use earlier, higher prevalence rate of poly-drug use, and shorter duration of drugs-use, spend more money to buy drugs in a week, more prevalent in drugs dealing. 3. About 99.0 % of subjects abused cigarette, about 43% of them do not use alcohol, and about 20% of male abusers and 50% of female abusers never use binuts. About 71.2% male abusers and 89.4% also co-abuse with amphetamine, female abusers have higher prevalence rate of co-abuse with cannabin, MDMA, FM2, ketamine. 4. About 70% of female abusers and 50% of male abusers have been detoxified in their home, 40% of them have detoxified and abstinence treatment in outpatient services and receive hospital treatment, there are 27% of male abusers and 18% of female abusers never receive treatment for abstinence. 5. Fake document crime and theft, 45.7% of male abusers and 15.3% of female abusers also committed into the violent offences the abusers the earlier be arrested, the earlier use those illicit drugs, more involved into gambling, more abused into those drugs in The Schedule II Illicit Drugs, the longer the duration of using drugs, they are more committed into the non-violent offences, the above variables can explain about 7.4% of variances of Nonviolent offences. However, the abusers who are male, older, unstable employment, the higher SES after abuse the illicit drugs, be arrested earlier, more involved into gambling, more abused into those drugs in The Schedule II Illicit Drugs, the shorter the duration of using drugs, they are more committed into violent offences, the above variables can explain about 21.4% of variances of violent offences. The implications of this study on the treatment of heroin abuse have also been discussed. |