題 名 | 桌遊為媒材的親子關係促進方案效益探究=Benefits Inquiry of the Filial Relationship Promotion Project Adopted the Board Game Material |
作 者 | 陳容瑋; 許育光; | 書刊名 | 台灣遊戲治療學報 |
卷 期 | 9 2020.12[民109.12] |
頁 次 | 頁51-82 |
分類號 | 178.8 |
關鍵詞 | 方案設計; 桌遊; 家族遊戲治療; 對賽遊戲治療; 親子關係; Board game; Expressive therapy; Family play therapy; Filial relationship; Game therapy; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
DOI | 10.6139/JTPT.202012_(9).0005 |
中文摘要 | 本研究目的以對賽遊戲治療與家族遊戲治療的理論為基礎,設計出一套具體可行、以桌遊為媒材的親子關係促進方案,並透過方案的實際執行,探討方案之成效。研究對象為新竹地區家中有青少年前期成員的家庭,父母和子方共同參與,選取兩組家庭,進行八週的家庭親子關係促進之桌遊媒材運用方案,每次九十分鐘。研究收集方案執行之歷程資料和帶領者之實務反思紀錄,並於第四和第八週方案結束後進行訪談,以能綜合分析和了解方案之參與經驗和生活層面之衝擊。方案效益研究結果顯示,歷程經驗成效分為六大類,分別是增強諮商動機、鼓勵分享與增加對家人的理解、促進覺察、體會關係中的情感、促進子方的改變、促進親方的改變。生活經驗成效分為四大類,包括增加生活中親子互動的素材、促進親子關係的親密感、看待關係態度改變和調整期待,以及親子互動行為改變。研究結論支持桌遊親子方案對改善親子關係有其助益,且透過討論能增加後續對相關桌遊方案設計、家庭對賽遊戲治療或活動治療要素、親子雙方覺察和回饋方案角度差異,以及家庭遊戲治療親子期待和準備度等,有更多實務上的了解。研究依循相關結論與討論,提出對於實務和進階研究之建議。 |
英文摘要 | Based on the theories of game therapy and family play therapy, this study aimed to develop a concrete project of filial relation promotion which adopted the board game materials, and then further explored the effectiveness through the project implement. Two families included parents and teenagers in Hsinchu area were invited to join the project, that eight sessions and each session 90 min. The project process records and practice reflections by the facilitator were collected, and the interview conducted after the fourth and eighth session, for comprehensive analyzed and explored the attending experience and impact on their real life. For the project benefits in the process experience, results showed six categories which were increased the counseling motivation, encouraged the families to share and mutual understanding, enhanced awareness, experienced affection in the relationship, facilitated the teenagers to change, and facilitated the parents to change. For the benefits of life experience, results showed four categories which were richness of the filial interaction content, facilitated the intimacy, adjusted the expectations and attitudes toward the relationship, and changed the filial interaction behaviors. The conclusion supported the project adopted board game could assist the filial relationship improved, further through the discussion for added more updated information about the design of board game counseling project, components of family play therapy using board game theraplay idea or game therapy, different viewpoints of awareness and feedback addressing by parent and teenager, and concerned their mutual expectations and prepared for family play therapy. According to the result and discussion, the recommendations for practice and further research were proposed. |