題 名 | 輾轉難眠--重症病人的睡眠障礙=Tossing and Turning: Sleep Disturbance in Critically Ill Patients |
作 者 | 粘雅淨; 周碧玲; | 書刊名 | 護理雜誌 |
卷 期 | 71:1 2024.02[民113.02] |
頁 次 | 頁90-98 |
分類號 | 419.821 |
關鍵詞 | 重症病人; 重症護理; 睡眠障礙; Critically ill patients; Critical care; Sleep disturbance; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
DOI | 10.6224/JN.202402_71(1).11 |
中文摘要 | 良好的睡眠於個體能量保存及疾病預後扮演著重要角色,睡眠障礙卻為重症護理常見問題之一並衍生不良的影響。造成重症病人睡眠障礙之因素複雜,包含內在因素與外在因素,其影響程度不僅止於加護病房,甚至會持續至出院後,可見此為不容忽視之問題,值得重視。本文藉由文獻整理,描述重症病人睡眠障礙之理論機轉、相關因素、影響與主客觀評估工具,並介紹藥物及非藥物實證處理策略及成效,期望可使臨床醫療人員更加了解重症病人之睡眠障礙,並對促進重症病人睡眠障礙之照護有所助益。 |
英文摘要 | Sleep plays an essential role in individual energy conservation and disease prognoses. However, sleep disturbance is a common problem in intensive care and is associated with adverse effects. The factors that cause sleep disturbance in critically ill patients are complex and include both internal and external factors. Furthermore, the effects of sleep disturbance are not limited to intensive care units as the condition may persist after discharge. Therefore, sleep disturbance cannot be ignored and deserves greater research attention. Based on a literature review, this article describes the theoretical mechanisms, factors, influences, and subjective and objective assessment tools related to sleep in critically ill patients. The pharmacological and non-pharmacological strategies introduced in this study may be referenced by clinical medical professionals to better understand sleep disturbance in critically ill patients and promote effective sleep care for this vulnerable population. |