題 名 | 2020年嬰兒型肉毒桿菌中毒個案調查報告=Investigation of An Infant Botulism Case, 2020 |
作 者 | 魏欣怡; 莊惠雯; 許書菁; 沈仲敏; 蔡玉芳; 董曉萍; 謝瑞煒; | 書刊名 | 疫情報導 |
卷 期 | 37:23 2021.12.07[民110.12.07] |
頁 次 | 頁357-362 |
分類號 | 412.42 |
關鍵詞 | 嬰兒型肉毒桿菌中毒; 肉毒桿菌抗毒素; 肉毒桿菌孢子; 製備副食品; Infant botulism; Botulinum antitoxin; Spores of Clostridium botulinum; SIADH; Non-staple food preparation; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 2020年6月疾病管制署接獲一例4個月大男嬰疑似肉毒桿菌中毒之通報。個案於初次食用副食品10日後陸續出現便秘、食慾不振及活動力下降等症狀。肉毒桿菌相關檢驗於糞便中檢出肉毒桿菌核酸後確診。國內案例極為罕見,此例為2015年以來,我國第二例確診嬰兒型肉毒桿菌中毒案例。 在治療部分,嬰兒型肉毒桿菌中毒可使用肉毒桿菌抗毒素中和血液中游離的毒素,避免其繼續傷害神經肌肉接合受器。疾病管制署更新之2018年肉毒桿菌抗毒素領用注意事項中之使用說明中有未滿 1 歲嬰兒之建議劑量,經臨床醫師審慎評估後可申請使用。本文彙整個案發病經過及調查發現,目的在提醒家長製備副食品須澈底高溫加熱,以破壞肉毒桿菌毒素及孢子,並提供臨床醫師診治此類病例參考。 |
英文摘要 | In June 2020, the Taiwan Centers for Disease Control (TCDC) received a case of suspected infant botulinum in a 4-month-old boy. The boy experienced constipation, loss of appetite and decreased activity 10 days after the first non-staple food consumption. The diagnosis was confirmed after the botulinum nucleic acid was detected in the stool. Infant botulism cases are extremely rare in Taiwan. This is the second case of infant botulism since 2015. In regard to treatment, botulinum antitoxin can be used to neutralize the free toxins in the serum to prevent further damage to the receptors of neuromuscular junction. The Botulinum Antitoxin Receipt Precautions updated by TCDC in 2018 contains the recommended dose for infants under 1 year old, which can be applied for after careful evaluation by clinicians. This article summarized the findings of the investigation. The purpose of the article was to remind parents that preparing non-staple food must be heated at a high temperature to destroy the botulinum toxin and spores, and to provide clinicians with reference for diagnosis and treatment of similar cases. |