- The First Documented Detection of the Hepatitis E Virus in Rats in Taiwan
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題 名 | The First Documented Detection of the Hepatitis E Virus in Rats in Taiwan=臺灣鼠類血清初次檢出E型肝炎病毒紀錄 |
作 者 | 江百善; 黃偉倫; 鍾瀚璿; 楊志元; 鄧華真; | 書刊名 | 疫情報導 |
卷 期 | 38:2 2022.01.25[民111.01.25] |
頁 次 | 頁9-17 |
分類號 | 412.42 |
關鍵詞 | E型肝炎病毒; 正E肝病毒屬C物種; 鼠; 臺灣; Hepatitis E virus; Orthohepevirus C; Rats; Taiwan; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | E型肝炎病毒屬於正E肝病毒屬,可進一步分類為A、B、C、D等4類不同物種,其各自可感染的宿主範圍不同。其中,人類E型肝炎病例所感染的病毒屬於A物種,此物種亦可感染豬、羊、熊、鹿及駱駝等動物,而B、C、D物種則是分別可感染禽類、齧齒類及蝙蝠等不同動物宿主。因此,鼠類所感染的E型肝炎病毒C物種,相較於人類E型肝炎病例感染之A物種病毒,彼此間宿主不同。然而,自2018年起,在香港陸續發生人類確診感染E型肝炎病毒C物種的零星個案,而其中1名病例曾於潛伏期間到訪臺灣。為瞭解此C物種病毒近期在臺灣是否有如同香港造成人類病例及其於鼠類間的盛行情形,爰自2018年通報急性病毒性E型肝炎但檢驗未確診之個案中,再次回溯抽樣50件剩餘血清檢體,另挑選50件於2017-2019年間在國際港埠所採集的鼠血清進行C物種病毒相關檢驗。結果50件人類血清均無檢出C物種病毒,惟自2017年的鼠血清中,檢出2件核酸序列高度相似的C物種病毒,且鼠血清對C物種的抗體盛行率達52% (26/50)。目前國內尚未發現感染E型肝炎病毒C物種的個案,惟國際間陸續確診人類感染情形,加以本次調查發現此病毒物種已存於國內,因而無法完全排除國內的感染風險。 |
英文摘要 | Hepatitis E virus (HEV) could be classified into four species (A, B, C and D). The host ranges of the four species are distinct. HEV-A infects humans and other mammals, including domestic pigs, goats and wild boars, deer, and camels. The other 3 species, HEV-B, HEV-C, and HEV-D, infect avian, rodent, and bat species, respectively. However, human infections by rat HEV (HEV species C/genotype 1, HEV-C1) have been reported recently, including a case who had visited Taiwan before having the illness in 2019. To investigate whether HEV-C1 is transmitting in rat population and causing human infections in Taiwan, 50 acute-phase human sera samples from HEV suspected patients with HEV-A negative results were re-tested for retrospective review of HEV-C. Besides, rat sera were collected from 3 Rattus tanezumi (previously known as Rattus rattus) and 47 R. norvegicus, which were captured at international airports or harbors. Identifying HEV-C RNA was performed by hemi-nested RT-PCR in human and rat serum samples. Rat sera were also tested for anti-rat HEV antibodies. HEV-C RNA was not detected in either human or R. tanezumi samples, but the viral RNA was identified in two R. norvegicus sera. Furthermore, the 2 rat HEV strains shared identical partial sequences in the RNA polymerases gene. In serology, anti-HEV antibodies were detected in 52% (26/50) of the trapped wild rats. This study documents the first detection of HEV-C1 in Taiwan. The seroprevalence and the high homology between HEV-C1 sequences from rats observed in this study might result from viral transmission within certain rodent populations. The risk for indigenous human infection in Taiwan should not be ignored because HEV-C1 with zoonotic potential has already been detected in the local rodent population. |