題 名 | 日治時期《臺灣婦人界》雜誌之「家政報國」理念=The Concept of "Housewives to Serve the Country" on the Magazine "The Taiwanese Women Community" |
作 者 | 何素花; | 書刊名 | 興大歷史學報 |
卷 期 | 33 2019.12[民108.12] |
頁 次 | 頁1-36 |
分類號 | 055 |
關鍵詞 | 戰爭總動員; 婦女; 家政報國; 家庭主婦; 臺灣婦人界; Wartime; Household; Housewives; Home economy; Serve to the country; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 《臺灣婦人界》雜誌在深受近代「良妻賢母」(本文按雜誌原文均以良妻賢母表達)教育洗禮,復經1920年代家政學影響後婦女雜誌相繼而起下,以「立足台灣」期使台灣島上的婦女不分內台之文化向上為目標;受過教育洗禮下的中等學校學生即成為主要的閱讀群,並藉著雜誌訂購者之家庭成員的傳閱,其影響力遠大於訂購者數量;雜誌創刊宗旨以肩負婦女社會教育為責任,在古賀千代子接手後的《臺灣婦人界》更顯見濃厚的配合時局政策的色彩,1936年古賀傳達日本內地「婦人報國」的風潮,提醒在台灣的婦女們在自己的位置上,思考身為國民的責任;因此,婦女以內助之力、以台所(廚房)舞台、以家務及家庭經濟消費合理化,完成婦女的「家政報國」,隨著刊物不同身份發表的文章,呼籲女性完成和男性戰爭協力的任務。戰爭精神總動員實施,家庭報國三綱領或十三項實施要點的頒佈,明確的指出後方援護最小的單位即是「家庭」及「主婦」。台灣島上的婦女也不例外與全體國民協力共同參與戰爭動員,從雜誌幾乎同步報導時局與政策,台灣婦女從初期的觀看者,進入被型塑及被教育共同協力戰爭。然而,1939年6月後停刊的《臺灣婦人界》雜誌雖陪伴女性進入這場戰爭,並未陪伴島上的婦女走出這場戰爭。本文透過觀察《臺灣婦人界》風格內容的轉變,研究其在戰爭總動員「家庭報國」綱領下教育婦女大眾「家政報國」以實現女性國民化責任的理念;戰爭時期「良妻賢母」的角色扮演,讓女性再次昇華至家國的層次,而主婦是家庭的主力,當男性被徵召前往戰場,主婦的戰場就在家庭、廚房;即使是廚房改善亦是報國行動的一部份,包括配合加強「國民體能向上提升」之以「營養本位」為前提的料理改善,進而擴大到家庭經濟合理化及簡易生活改善,戰爭時期的節約儲蓄、廢品利用等等,家庭主婦們被教育以「家政報國」,並結合軍國妻母的姿態完成總動員的協力。雜誌表面上看似乎以「內台如一」為宗旨,然而,就性別觀點而言,婦女以第二國民的身分,和第一線的男性共同協力完成戰爭之「家政報國」,似乎是和傳統性別分工的觀念契合,而昇華至家國層次之性別分工的概念又並非全然傳統的定義;進一步對照雜誌創刊之「內台如一」的宗旨,在典範建立及議論婦女之力與報國任務之間,台灣本島籍婦女是無法和住台日本婦女擁有相同的言說位置與詮釋的權力。 |
英文摘要 | During the wartime period the government basic policy is to mobilize people and sources to support the war. As the family is the smallest units in the rear area, "housewives" is also the main power to serve the country. This article is intended to be based on the magazine "Taiwanese Women Community "as the object to understand how the housewives in the rear area were shaped to serve their country and how the magazine demonstrated the practice through exemplary plasticity-to-practice reports from the royal women to the network of intellectual classes. To Guide the island's women into the mobilization group is the magazine ultimate task. While the instructions of the magazine led women into the war, they did not accompany the women to complete the war. However, the concept of good-natured wives-and-mother education which was emphasized in the early stages of the war also played the main role in guiding the housewives with good housekeeping skills to finish serving the nation. When men were recruited to the battlefield, the battle area of the housewife's is at home, even in the kitchen! Since the concept of the household or the home economic is the basic of the nation economy, even the improvement ways in the kitchen are part of the service movements to the nation. For example, not only to development the policy of "nutrition-based" cook policy but also to cultivate the rationalize and simplify living ways, those ways were for women-housewives to serve the country during the wartime. |