題 名 | 愛沙尼亞的生存之道=An Analysis of the National Security Strategy of Estonia |
作 者 | 魏百谷; | 書刊名 | 臺灣國際研究季刊 |
卷 期 | 14:4 2018.冬[民107.冬] |
頁 次 | 頁181-195 |
分類號 | 599.94781 |
關鍵詞 | 愛沙尼亞; 愛沙尼亞國家安全戰略; 抗衡; 愛沙尼亞與俄羅斯; Estonia; National security strategy; Balancing; Estonia and Russia; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 愛沙尼亞為求抗衡俄羅斯的可能威脅,以確保國家安全。在軍事上,除了強化自身的國防力量之外,並且持續深化與北大西洋公約組織的軍事合作;此外,在經濟上,則加強和歐洲聯盟的經貿合作,同時減少對俄國的經貿與能源的依賴。雖然在戰略上,愛沙尼亞選擇抗衡俄羅斯,然而,不管在內政或是外交層面,俄羅斯皆為影響愛沙尼亞國家發展的重要因素,因此,如何與強鄰俄國相處,是愛沙尼亞生存的重要關鍵。有鑒於此,本文旨在探討愛沙尼亞面對俄羅斯威脅國家生存之際,所採取的因應策略。本文首先陳述愛沙尼亞當前的發展;其次,從過往時空的脈絡,勾勒出愛沙尼亞與俄國的歷史;然後,再將時間的縱軸拉回現在,檢視愛沙尼亞的國安威脅,進一步分析愛沙尼亞採取的因應之道。 |
英文摘要 | Estonia enjoyed independence from 1918 till 1940 and regained independence in 1991. Estonia became a new member state of the United Nations in September 1991. In addition, 2004 was an important year for Estonia's foreign relations. In this year Estonia became a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in March and then a new member of the European Union in May. The relationship between Estonia and Russia heavily effects Estonia's national security. This article attempts to explore the national security strategy of Estonia. At first, the paper begins with the description of current situation in Estonia. The historical background of Estonia is debated in the following section. Besides, the main threat to Estonia's national security is discussed in the fourth section of this paper. The Estonia's response and strategy are analyzed in the final part of this article. |