題 名 | 有效的翻轉學習導入模式及實施原則=Effective Learning Models and Principles for Conducting Flipped Learning |
作 者 | 黃國禎; 付慶科; 黃國禎; | 書刊名 | 教育研究月刊 |
卷 期 | 301 2019.05[民108.05] |
頁 次 | 頁4-19 |
分類號 | 521.429 |
關鍵詞 | 科技化教育; 教學策略; 教學模式; 數位學習; 翻轉教學; Educational technology; Teaching strategies; Teaching modes; Digital learning; Flipped classroom; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 在過去十來年中,翻轉教學吸引了不少教育研究者的關注,它的教育潛能也在各種教育情境中得到認可。然而,構建與執行有效的翻轉教學活動是一件充滿挑戰的任務。有鑑於當前對翻轉教學實施原則和課程運作模式缺乏足夠的探討,本研究在明確翻轉教學的教育目標之後,提出了有效實施翻轉教學的九個原則,總結了翻轉課堂經營的一般模式,並指出有效的翻轉課堂經營活動的特點。最後,為推動翻轉教學的進一步發展,提出相關的建議,例如,選擇合適教學內容進行翻轉;翻轉的百分比依科目特性而不同;教學影片可以由「部分自製」開始,再逐步達到「全部自製」;同一科目的教師可以組建成翻轉教學團隊,相互之間共用資源和經驗等。 |
英文摘要 | In the past ten years, flipped classroom has been increasingly focused on by researchers in the field of education, and its potentials have been acknowledged in a variety of educational contexts. However, it is also a big challenge to design and implement effective flipped classroom activities for many teachers. Meanwhile, in consideration of lacking exploration of theoretical underpinnings for designing and implementing of flipped classroom so far, this present study aims to address the gaps. After identifying the educational objectives of flipped classroom, nine principles of designing or implementing effective flipped classroom were proposed and the common mode of flipped classroom activities were induced, and the characteristics of effective flipped classroom activities were also summarized. At last, some suggestions were proposed to attempt to propel the development on flipped classroom, such as choosing appropriate teaching contents, determine the ratio of flipping the class based on the need of the course, starting from “partially made instructional videos” to “fully-made videos,” constructing flipped classroom teaching teams with the abilities to share resources and experience, and so forth. |