題 名 | 應用創傷開窗法分析臺灣欅樹輪界限與生長形式之研究=Application of Wounding Window Methodology to Investigate the Tree Ring Boundary and Growth Pattern of Zelkova serrata |
作 者 | 李佳如; 陳昀芝; 鍾智昕; 林振榮; 楊德新; | 書刊名 | 國立臺灣大學生物資源暨農學院實驗林研究報告 |
卷 期 | 31:2=296 2017.06[民106.06] |
頁 次 | 頁89-100 |
分類號 | 436.181 |
關鍵詞 | 創傷開窗法; 臺灣欅; 生長量; 樹輪特微; 樹輪密度; Wounding window method; Zelkova serrata; Growth increment; Ring characteristic; Ring density; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究以創傷開窗法在不同時期標記九年生之臺灣櫸(Zelkova serrata),探討生長輪內各時期之生長量與相對應樹輪密度趨勢,並觀察其顯微與生長特徵進行驗證,以達成樹齡分析上之應用。分析時將一年區分為四個時期(Phase),分別為2010年9月到11月(P1)、2010年12月到2011年1月(P2)、2011年2月到4月(P3)、2011年5月到8月(P4)。結果顯示臺灣櫸每年僅有一次生長季,可將生長輪直接視為年輪。一年間之四個時期徑向生長速率大小的變化為P1>P3>P4>P2,相對的樹輪密度在四個時期的趨勢為P2>P1>P4>P3,可知臺灣櫸在P1時期有較大的徑向生長速率,在P2時期則有較低的生長速率與較高的樹輪密度,經變異數統計分析結果顯示,徑向生長率與樹輪密度在不同階段皆有明顯的差異,而臺灣櫸之春材導管帶生成於P3時期,且其密度變化皆以生長輪特徵帶(春材導管)生成之時期最低,此可做為判斷年輪(樹齡)之依據之一。最後,依相關性分析可知,氣候因子對臺灣櫸徑向生長量具顯著正相關影響,然而,與樹輪密度間並無顯著相關存在。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study was to injure hardwoods species, Zelkova serrata, by wounding window method to investigate tendency of radial growth increment and corresponding ring density at different growth phases, and to examine by microscopic characteristics and tree-ring characteristics to analyze tree age. The study period can be classified into four phases: the first phase: Sep. 2010-Nov. 2010 (P1), the second phase: Dec. 2010-Jan. 2011 (P2), the third phase: Feb. 2011-Apr. 2011 (P3) and the fourth phase: May 2011-Aug. 2011 (P4). The result showed that Zelkova serrata has only one growth season in a year, therefore, their growth rings can be regarded as annual rings. Radial growth ratio showed a trend as follows: P1>P3>P4>P2, and corresponding density displayed a trend as follows: P2>P1>P4>P3. These indicated that larger radial growth ratio happened in P1, while smaller radial growth ratio and higher density were in P2. From ANOVA, radial growth ratio and corresponding ring density have significantly statistical difference in different periods. Spring wood vessel band of Zelkova serrata was formed during P3, and density was the minimum during the period when growth ring characteristic (spring wood vessel) bands were formed. Variation in ring density could be a factor for evaluating tree age. According to correlation analysis, there were significant relationships between climate factors and radial growth increment of Zelkova serrata; however, there was no correlation between ring density and climate factors. |