- 冠狀動脈疾病的外科治療進展
- Minimally-Invasive, Direct Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting
- Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery in a 24-Year-Old Man: A Case Report and Review of Literature
- Left Main Coronary Artery Disease in Two Middle-Aged Women--A Report of Two Cases and Clinical Implications
- 協助一位透析病患面對心臟手術壓力之護理經驗
- Off-pump Coronary Artery Bypass (OPCAB) Is a Good Choice of Treatment for Hemodialysis-Dependent Uremic Patients with Severe Coronary Artery Disease
- 一位冠狀動脈疾病繞道手術術後個案的護理經驗
- Clinical Parameters for Predicting Outcomes of Left Main Coronary Artery Stenting
- 從縱貫面探討一位行冠狀動脈繞道手術病人之護理經驗
- Can Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery Decrease the Incidence of Postoperative Atrial Fibrillation?