- 大數據產業的資料隱私問題與對策
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題 名 | 大數據產業的資料隱私問題與對策=The Problems and Solution of Personal Data Privacy for Big Data Analytics |
作 者 | 丘昌泰; 劉宜君; | 書刊名 | 產業與管理論壇 |
卷 期 | 19:1 2017.03[民106.03] |
頁 次 | 頁28+30-51 |
分類號 | 584.1414 |
關鍵詞 | 大數據; 巨量資料; 海量資料; 企業內規; 企業社會責任; 個資保護; 隱私權; Big data; Binding corporate rules; BCRs; Social responsibility; CSR; Personal data privacy; Privacy; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 近年來,大數據被產業界視為第五波科技革命後的明星產業,未來人類社會將出現以資料為驅動力的經濟。本研究旨在探討,為因應大數據時代的來臨,台灣產業界在適用資料隱私保護法制上遭遇何種問題?應如何整合公私部門的力量,以公私夥伴途徑,在保障資料隱私的前提下,推展大數據分析產業?本研究首先檢視大數據的崛起及其概念,其次探討歐美各國對於大數據隱私管制的法令規定,最後再針對現行台灣資料隱私所可能產生的問題進行分析,並提出可行的政策建議,以供決策當局參考。為兼顧大數據產業發展與資料隱私之平衡發展,本研究建議成立「大數據產業加值利用與資料隱私大聯盟」;對公部門的建議為「繼續開放政府資料」與「建立去識別化機制」;對於大數據產業的建議則是推動法效性企業內規。 |
英文摘要 | In recent years, big data industry becomes a popular topic in academic and practicing communities. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the concept of big data and the importance of big data analytics and personal data privacy. Five sections are described in the paper. Firstly, the paper briefly introduces the development of PDP in USA and EC. Secondly, the problems and challenges of big data analytics are analyzed if Taiwan government is intended to advance this promising industry. Thirdly, the authors demonstrate several strategies to cope with the dilemma of big data industry based on public-private partnership (PPP) approach. Fourthly, the current Personal Data Privacy Act (PDPA) has many difficulties when big data analysts attempt to mine, utilize and integrate huge datasets. There are many problems in the PDPA, for examples, the ambiguity of de-identification and re-identification, issue of difficult to implement forgotten rights; problem of across-boundary data transmission between Taiwan and mainland China. Finally, the authors recommend establishing a Grand Alliance for Big Data Analytics so as to balance the interests of big data development and the protection of personal data privacy. For public sector, it is necessary to open government data to all enterprises. For private sector, the Binding Corporate Rules (BCRs) has to be promoted for all enterprises in Taiwan. |