題 名 | 從文獻資料論1945年之前的臺東地區客家移民=A Critical Review of the Hakka Immigrants' History in Taitung before 1945 |
作 者 | 潘繼道; | 書刊名 | 東台灣研究 |
卷 期 | 24 2017.02[民106.02] |
頁 次 | 頁3-41 |
分類號 | 536.21 |
關鍵詞 | 臺東; 客家; 廣東人; 國家政策; 移民; 本島人移民村; Taitung; Hakkas; Cantonese; National policy; Migration; Honto jin immigrant village; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 在北臺灣桃、竹、苗與南臺灣六堆地區之外,東臺灣的花蓮與臺東地區是客家族群重要的分布區域,其歷經晚清、日治到戰後,逐漸成為重要的族群。本文即藉由晚清、日治時期的文獻資料,探討1945年之前臺東地區的客家移民。晚清時期,主要透過官員的奏摺、日記、方志等;日治時期,則透過豫察報文、鄉貫調查、臨時戶口調查、國勢調查、農業年報、專書等,來探究客家移民進入東臺灣的原因、時機及人數的變遷。臺東地區的客家人,可能有直接從中國大陸遷移來的,但大多數應該是本島客家二次移民,且以農民佔多數。除開農業人口之外,也有少數從事商業、擔任總理、總通事、通事、醫師、協議會員等不同身分、領域的工作。透過文獻資料大致可以發現,所見到的客家人圖像比較模糊,日治時期的統計數字或說明經常與閩南人一起被放在「本島人」中呈現;而國家政策扮演重要的角色,尤其是在農業移民方面,從晚清的官招民墾到民招民墾,以及日治中、晚期臺東製糖株式會社、臺東開拓會社與國策會社臺灣拓殖株式會社的私營移民事業,使得臺東地區除了內地人移民村之外,也出現了本島人移民村,且有不錯的成績表現。在里壠支廳、關山郡轄內的客家移民,比其他支廳、郡的人數來得多。如果能再利用口述歷史、家譜、日記、日治時期戶籍資料、地籍資料,或利用寺廟的捐獻者名冊等來與文獻資料作對話,客家人在臺東地區的活動樣貌及文化產業發展,將會更加清晰。 |
英文摘要 | Besides Taoyuan, Hsinchu, Miaoli, and the Liugdui area (part of current Kaohsiung and Pingtung), Hualien and Taitung are the two counties with the largest Hakka immigrants in the Eastern Taiwan. Hakka group is still one of the most important races in this area now (the second largest population beyond Hoklo people). This work will discuss the motivation, timing and migration of Hakkas in Taitung before the end of WWII, by reviewing official memorials and records in the late Qing Dynasty as well as governmental census, annual reports, and regional investigations in Japanese colonial period. Some Hakka people moved into Taitung directly from the mainland China; however, the majority migrated here locally from other regions of Taiwan. Most Hakka people were farmers, but some also played other important roles in the society, such as governor, council members or officers. Along with Hoklo people and other local aboriginals, the Hakkas was categorized as the Honto Jin (a common name of non-Japanese people in Japanese colonial period), in Japanese government census report. Personal and official Hakka immigrants became the agricultural fundamentals for the national development in both late Qing Dynasty and Japanese period. As a result, many Hakkas immigrant villages and Honto Jin communities were developed in Taitung at that time, especially around Lilong area (which is from the Amis word meaning "red worms", was called Kanzan District and now Guanshan). In this study, we could use recently-discovered personal oral history, family tree, and local documents, in addition to official records, functionary reports, and governmental census to more clearly reconstruct activity and development of the Hakka immigrants in Taitung before 1945. |