題 名 | 以歷史書寫「傳統和現代」--在《瞻對》及《心靈史》中回眸歷史=History as Resource for Writings about "Tradition and Modernity"--Zhang Chengzhi's History of the Soul and Alai's Zhandui |
作 者 | 楊慧儀; | 書刊名 | 中國現代文學 |
卷 期 | 29 2016.06[民105.06] |
頁 次 | 頁47-66 |
專 輯 | 中國當代文學史料的闡釋與重構 |
分類號 | 826.9 |
關鍵詞 | 張承志; 阿來; 心靈史; 瞻對; 回族文學; 藏族文學; 少數民族; 歷史書寫; Zhang Chengzhi; Alai; History of the Soul; Zhandui; Chinese Muslim literature; Tibetan literature; Ethnic minorities; Historical writing; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 張承志的《心靈史》及阿來的《瞻對》都是以歷史資料為主要創作素材的小說式歷史書寫。內容方面,兩者又有很多相似的地方;包括都是敘述作者所屬「少數民族」在十八 世紀至二十世紀上半葉與中原政權抗爭的歷史,並且都企圖從歷史瞭解當前該民族在中國大陸的邊緣處境。可是,細讀兩個文本,卻發現兩者在對待歷史、當代與歷史的關係、民族身份認同以至未來出路等問題上,抱有非常不同的看法。《心靈史》為回族哲合忍耶教派以心靈經驗的敘述來建構歷史傳統,既為他們參與當代歷史提供立場,亦幫助教外人士瞭解他們;這些都依賴建立話語來達成,充分體現書寫的本質。《瞻對》則強調在民族社會推行現代化,以鞏固川藏本土自治的可能,文本充任著傳統社會議論─即相似「策」─的功能。 |
英文摘要 | Zhang Chengzhi's History of the Soul and Alai's Zhandui are both cross-generic works of historical writing with a strong novelistic ethos. They are both concerned with an "ethnic minority's" resistance against the domination and the authority of central China, and both attempt to understand from a historical perspective the marginal situation of their respective minority groups. However, close reading reveals that there is more divergence then shared views in these two texts on issues including their approaches to history, their understanding of the relationship between tradition and modernity, and their views on the identity and future of ethnic minorities. History of the Soul constructs a historical account of the Islamic sect Jahriya, focusing on how spiritual pursuits rather than political practicalities have shaped its history. Such a historical account serves as a narrative of tradition from which contemporary believers could draw moral support, and from which other cultures make reference in their attempt to understand this sect. Such a process operates on the discursive level and brings the text very close to a performative dimension of writing. Zhandui functions in a very different way. It advocates modernisation as a way to create a possibility of greater autonomy in the Sichuan Tibetan region. This function of advocacy resembles that of the traditional Chinese political genre of the ce, or the treaty. |