題 名 | 學教翻轉:翻轉課堂的課程與教學=Flipping Teaching and Learning: The Instruction and Curriculum Design of Flipped Class |
作 者 | 羅寶鳳; | 書刊名 | 課程與教學 |
卷 期 | 19:4 2016.10[民105.10] |
頁 次 | 頁1-21 |
專 輯 | 翻轉課室的課程與教學 |
分類號 | 521.4 |
關鍵詞 | 翻轉教室; 翻轉課堂; 學教翻轉; Flipped classroom; Flipped class; Flipping teaching and learning; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 邁入二十一世紀,改變是唯一不變的趨勢。臺灣近年來的教學創新風起雲湧,翻轉課堂是其中之一。本文的目的有五:第一,闡釋翻轉課堂相關理念;第二,探討翻轉課堂相關文獻與研究;第三,探究翻轉課堂的問題,進行討論;第四,提出翻轉課堂之教學設計;第五,提供有心翻轉課堂的教師與教授參考。本文深究翻轉課堂的意義與重要性,探討翻轉課堂的相關文獻,包括發展脈絡、定義、迷思、目的、特點與優點;彙整翻轉時需要的四大基礎,課程設計的十大原則;並討論翻轉課堂的五個重要問題,提出為學習量身訂做的翻轉課堂五步驟。最後本文的結論為「翻轉是一種改變,改變是一個新世紀必備的能力,教師要翻轉課堂需關注學科差異、教師差異以及學生差異」,並邀請教師跟學生一起翻轉成為主動的終身學習者。 |
英文摘要 | As constant changes happening in the 21^(st) century, the flipped classroom has become a buzzword in the last decade. This article tried to probe the meaning and importance of flipped class, review related literature, and reveal practical problems. Finally, some possible curriculum and instruction models for the flipped class are designed. Several significant issues have been discussed, too, including how to facilitate student's active learning, how to evaluate the possibility of application, and to reflect on teachers' personality and teaching styles, as well as teachers' resistance toward the change. Conclusions were also provided with implications to inspire teachers and students to transform themselves into possible active lifelong learners in the coming era. |