- 澎湖海域康氏馬加鰆的生殖季節初探
- 康氏馬加鰆人工繁殖初探
- 關於澎湖海域古沉船--將軍一號的初步發掘
- Age, Reproduction, and Demography of the Spiny Rat (Muridae: Niviventer coxingi) in Subtropical Central Taiwan
- Seasonal Activity and Reproduction of Two Syntopic White-Toothed Shrews (Crocidura attenuata and C. kurodai) from a Subtropical Montane Forest in Central Taiwan
- Sympatric Spawning of the Damselfishes Chromis Fumea and Pomacentrus Coelestis on the Northern Coast of Taiwan
- 澎湖海域及其附近先中新統油氣生成分析
- HRPT衛星遙測技術應用於漁海況之研究--研判夏季澎湖海域海況動態及鎖管漁場形成的關係
- Descriptions of Ten New Records of Fishes found from Hsiao-liu-chiu and Pescadores Islands, Taiwan
- 澎湖海域鎖管類漁場形成機制研究