題 名 | 牙周與牙髓合併病灶:鑑別診斷與病例報告=Periodontal-Endodontic Combined Lesions: Differential Diagnosis and Case Series |
作 者 | 陳赴瑞; 龔郁穎; 邱曉文; 江貞熹; 李協泰; 林益弘; 盧俊泰; | 書刊名 | 臺灣牙周病醫學會雜誌 |
卷 期 | 21:1 2016.03[民105.03] |
頁 次 | 頁73-84 |
分類號 | 416.9492 |
關鍵詞 | 牙周與牙髓合併病灶; 手術性根管治療; 牙周再生手術; Periodontal-endodontic combined lesions; Surgical endodontic treatment; Periodontal regeneration surgery; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 臨床上有時候要鑑別牙周與牙髓合併病灶,到底是先有牙周問題才導致牙髓病變,或 是先有牙髓病灶才引起牙周破壞,或是兩者同時發生,有時候還真是難以分辨!1972年Simon將牙髓與牙周合併病灶相關問題分成五大類,分別可以從牙髓活性測試、牙周囊袋深淺度和X光片影像病灶等三個面向,作為臨床判定的參考和依據。但不管怎樣分類,這五類的分法從臨床上治療的角度來看,除了是第三類的原發性牙周病灶以外,其餘四類都必須合併根管與牙周治療,並且在治療開始是以根管治療為主,牙周治療為輔。本篇報告提出五個病例,是本院牙周病科與牙髓病科共同合作的病例個案,並觀察及追蹤其治療結果。 |
英文摘要 | Sometimes the differential diagnosis of periodontal-endodontic combined lesions is difficult and there are problems determining whether the lesion is periodontal or endodontic lesion in origin or is a concomitant lesion. Simon in 1972 developed a classification of endodontic-periodontal combined lesions into five categories according to pulp vitality, periodontal pocket depth and radiographic imaging. Except for primary periodontic lesions, the remaining four categories need to be treated using a combination of root canal treatment and periodontal treatment. The root canal treatment is the priority, with the periodontal treatment being auxiliary during any early combined treatment. This report describes five combined care cases from our periodontal and endodontic department and outlines both their treatment and their follow-up results. |