題 名 | 都市更新案遭遇高透水性地層之連續壁規劃與施工例=Planning and Construction of Slurry Wall of an Urban Renewal Project in High Permeability Soil Layer |
作 者 | 呂芳熾; 黃志祥; 林永光; 陳啟德; 魏文功; 郭俊何; 邱武雄; 程立達; | 書刊名 | 地工技術 |
卷 期 | 147 2016.03[民105.03] |
頁 次 | 頁25-32 |
分類號 | 441.13 |
關鍵詞 | 都市更新; 連續壁; 全套管基樁; 雙環塞灌漿; Urban renewal; Slurry wall; Full casing pile; Double packer grout; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 在都市化高度發展需求及有限可供建地限制下之台北市及新北市地區,都市更新方案成為 獲取都市建地及美化都市市容之最佳解決方案,惟都市更新新建工程中常難避免遭遇舊建物原 址拆除重建之狀況。近來常面臨舊地下室超過一層以上且舊擋土結構物如排樁、連續壁等都市 更新案例,惟在建築面積充分使用之規劃下,新建案規劃之地下擋土結構與舊建物之基礎及擋 土結構相衝突案例勢必增加,而破除相衝突舊建物結構體所採取之相關補強措施亦是此類都更 新建案之重點。 本文之都市更新案例,基地面積約900平方公尺,其中約1/2面積為無地下室之舊建物;另 一半之舊建物則為地上10層、地下2層之大樓,基地周長約70m,基礎深度為10.4m,連續壁為 厚度60cm、深度為17.5m。新建物為地上15層、地下6層之大樓,基地全周長約111.5m,基礎 開挖深度為23.05m,連續壁為厚度90cm、深度為46.7m,地下室開挖構築採逆打工法,逆打基 樁採矩形壁樁。 由於本施工例舊連續壁底端位於高透水性之砂層中,對地下水未能有阻隔作用,加上新建 基地面積不大具舊地下室面積更小且與鄰房緊鄰,施工面展開困難,對本案破除新建、舊連續 壁重疊、平行及斜交之舊連續壁及拆除舊地下室結構體更趨艱難,配合之補強措施亦趨複雜, 致使工期與費用較預期為高。本文主要針對新舊連續壁不同衝突情況下之施工規劃及方法加以 詳述,期能提供各位工程先進遭遇類似工程時之參考。最後亦提供本新建案地下室開挖構築之 觀測系統配置與觀測資料,觀測資料顯示連續壁變形量受制於狹小基地之三維角隅效應而呈現 小變形量。 |
英文摘要 | The government urban renewal policy proposes that many residential or business buildings that were built twenty to thirty years ago in Taipei city are to be renewed. Planning and construction of the foundations of these to-be-renewed buildings is influenced by the existing foundation of the old structures and retaining structures, such as slurry walls or drilled shafts. This paper reports a building renewal case in Taipei. The building site has an aread of 900m² and is divided into two parts. On one side of the area is an old building with a single-story basement and on the other side of the site is a ten-story building with a two-story basement. The ten-story building has a total perimeter of 70m and a foundation that reaches 10.4m below the ground surface. The slurry wall of this ten-story building is 60cn tgucj abd 17.5m deep. The newly planned building has a total permeter of 111.5m and is 15 stories high, with a six-story basement. The foundation will use the Top-down method to excavate down to 23.5m deep and incorporate a slurry wall that is 90cm thick, 46.7m deep and uses barrette piles that are 90cm thick, 2.5m wide and 57m deep. The construction of the new building has some difficulties, such as the conflict between the old and the new slurry walls, highly permeable sandy soils and a very limited working space between the new structure and the neighboring building. The planning and construction procedures qare detailed in this paper. The nonitoring System and slurry wall deflections are qalso presented in this paper. The 3-D corner effect has a great effect on the slurry wall deflections. |